one last time

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Josh: damn it was so hard not to call you my fiancé

Y/n: I know I know but we both said we aren't ready

Josh: I know I just wish we could tell the boys

Y/n: you know I would but they are all dumb asses and you know one of them would slip up

Josh: yeah your right but I just feel bad lying to Jaden but he's gonna be so pissed at me

Y/n: honestly I don't care if we tell J or not I just don't want the same thing to happen as when we first started dating

Josh: I mean it's been like 5 almost 6 months shouldn't he be okay with us making relationship decisions without him

Y/n: I know I mean we should be able to do things without telling him it's almost like he is a third party in our relationship but also not cause that would be some sweet home alabama type shit

He laughed

Josh: no I totally get that he is like still very over protective of you but I mean I'm very over protective of Liv but it's not the same obviously like her boyfriend wasn't my best friend before they started dating so I mean I guess I can see how it is awkward but like this is our relationship

Y/n: I mean you moving out definitely helped we live here together so

Josh: yeah I guess

Y/n: I just don't want to get in the middle of you and Jadens relationship

Josh: no you won't cause I don't want to get in the way of your relationship

we both laughed

Josh: anyway we need to pack

Y/n: ughhhh

Josh: miss girl your the one who is dragging me to Canada

Y/n: yeah yeah yeah whatevs

Josh: you should def pack both of our stuff

Y/n: your so f*cking lazy but I love you

Josh: so you'll pack for me

Y/n: no

I laughed

Josh: fine ugh

he went to get his clothes out of the closet that had 75 percent of his clothes and grabbed a few shirts sweatshirts and pants and grabbed his suitcase but instead of putting his clothes in his suitcase he threw them at me

Y/n: rude ugh

I took my clothes that I had also been packing and threw them at him

Josh: oh it's on

he took his pillow and started hitting me with it then I took my pillow and hit him with it

Josh: ow ow ow

he held his side in pain

Y/n: baby I'm sorry are you okay what hurts

Josh: nothing

he took his pillow and walked me again

Y/n: oh you little

Josh: muahhahhaah

he did the evil laugh

Y/n: I hate you oh my god

Josh: you could never hate your Joshy

Y/n: that is absolutely correct

he kissed me and then pushed me on the bed and some unholy things happened after we finished packing and now we are watching a movie till we have to leave in like and hour

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