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December 30, 2020

Jaden just arrived and we let him in

Y/n: hey J

Josh: hey

Jaden: hey guys

Josh: we need to talk

Jaden: yeah we do

we went in the basement and sat down

Y/n: before we start I want you both to know that it may sound like I'm taking a side but I don't want to take sides I love you both equally it's a different type of love but I genuinely couldn't chose between you too and everything I say today is my opinion

Jaden: okay that's fair enough

Josh: i love you

Y/n: luv you 2

Josh: well I guess we can all just say our issues with absolutely no argument and then we can argue

Jaden: okay

Y/n: okay

Josh: well Jaden I feel that you kinda feel like you can control our relationship just because you are so close to both of us and of course we would love if you would love our relationship and you do have a right to have an opinion I will agree but you are very controlling over y/n

Jaden: your and idiot but your my best friend but I know what your going do to her your gonna get your quick little relationship just to have one and then leave her your a f*ck boy

Y/n: Jaden I'm 19 years old I'm able to make my own decisions can't you have faith in both of us

Jaden: y/n don't even get me started you tried to but in with my relationship with Mads and tried to tell me that she was bad for me your such a manipulative bitch

Josh: don't call her that

Jaden: what are you gonna do

Josh: nothing just stop calling her that

Jaden pushed Josh


Jaden punched Josh but Josh wouldn't fight him cause he knew there would be no good outcome


He continued


Jaden: fine fine fine you both are assholes and y/n I hope he breaks your heart cause when he does don't come crying to me

Y/n: And when Mads cheats on you don't come to me

he left and Josh was on the floor with a busted lip and a bloody nose

Y/n: baby you okay

Josh: everything on my face hurts

I hugged him I didn't care if I got blood on

Josh: it hurts baby

he was holding his stomach and then I remember shit he just got out of the hospital

Y/n: baby we should probably go to the doctor

Josh: what no I'm fine

Y/n: you just got out of the hospital and he hit you were your ribs

Josh: okay if it makes you feel better

Y/n: hey let me clean the blood off your face

I cleaned all of the blood off his face and Shelly came over to us

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