welcome back

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January 1, 2021

I woke up in bed alone hungover wanting to just cuddle with Josh because it would definitely take the edge off of this hangover and shortly after I woke up he walked into the room

Josh: morning baby happy new year again

he kissed my forehead

Y/n: morning happy new year

Josh: you ready to go back to LA

Y/n: for once yeah I'm ready to go home

I smiled because I remembered that that's OUR home

Josh: cant wait to get back to normal life and to have our families meet finally

Y/n: yup

Josh: well we have to leave in a hour so

Y/n: what what

Josh: there is Starbucks waiting for you downstairs all we have to do is pack our stuff up maybe shower then go

Y/n: okay thank you baby

Josh: you want me to bring your Starbucks up so we can pack together

Y/n: sure

I looked at him and smiled and he went and grabbed my Starbucks and came back

Y/n: thank you stupid

Josh: your welcome muffin

we packed up our stuff, showered and then we're ready to leave an hour later, they are taking Bear with them, me and Josh left Buddy with the boys, we then arrived at the airport and get on the plane and a few hours later we are back in LA

Josh: Good to be back

we had just got off of the plane

Y/n: Welcome Back to LA everyone

we went to baggage claim and a few fans came up to us we told a couple of pictures and we all went to me and Josh's house besides Jaden who took an Uber back to Sway

Y/n: Welcome to our house

Josh: yes welcome we have many many bedrooms so if you each would like your own that is fine

Shelly: neither of you told me how big this place was

Y/n: we are just trying to stay humble

I laughed

Josh: babe is Jaden coming over with Buddy or

Y/n: he said he's bring her to my parents tomorrow if that's okay otherwise we have to pick her up

Josh: I mean I love her but I'm still hungover and I bet she's having fun with the sway boys

Y/n: can we take a guess on who's thawing care of her

Josh: Griffin

Y/n: that's what I was gonna say

Will: y/n josh you have a whole tiny house hang out room what

Liv: say what

Josh: yeah it's outside you guys can go see me and
y/n are gonna unpack

Will: unpack okay

he did air quotes and laughed


Will: what you know I'm not wrong

Josh: whatever let's just go unpack

Me and Josh went to our room and unpacked

Y/n: new year fresh start

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