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We went inside my house and Jaden was there

Jaden: hey guys

Josh: hey Jaden sup how was the studio?

Jaden: it was alright I would have rathered to be with you guys

Y/n: I know it was fun

Jaden: yeah wait you guys went swimming neither of you had bathing suits

Y/n: yeah I didn't want to go in but Josh made me with my clothes on which explains why I'm in his hoodie right now

Josh: true

Jaden: bro haha

Y/n: well I'll let you two have your bro time

Jaden: k

Josh: see you later

I went up into my room and FaceTimed Ellie and Rachel

On FaceTime

Ellie: dude what was with that picture of you and JOSH RICHARDS

Y/n: it was nothing we're just friends

Rachel: are you sure??

Y/n: um we did kiss but we both agreed we wouldn't do anything cause of Jaden


Y/n: yeah but it was nothing

Ellie: okay whatever you say

we talked a little longer and then I got off

End of FaceTime

I was sitting on my bed on my phone when I realized I was still wearing Josh's hoodie so I got changed and I went downstairs to give it to him him and Jaden were playing video games

Y/n: hey Josh I came to give you your hoodie

Jaden got a call

Jaden: guys I'll be back I have to take this

he left the room

Josh: well anyway it's okay you can keep the hoodie

Y/n: no Josh really

Josh: no keep it

Y/n: are you sure???

Josh: yeah and hey I'm sorry about the kiss earlier

I kissed him what and he kissed back

Josh: holy what was that for

Y/n: shit Jaden's coming back text me before you leave and I'll go with you if that's okay

Josh: yeah sure

I went back upstairs and just watched Netflix and went on my phone until I got a text from Josh


Josh: I'm leaving what are you going to tell Jaden

Y/n: don't leave yet I'll be down in a sec

End of texts

I go downstairs

Y/n: hey Josh are you leaving

he played along

Josh: yeah why

Y/n: I'm going to sleep over Ellie's house could you drive me there

Josh: yeah sure

Y/n: is that okay with you Jaden

Jaden: yes

Me and Josh left and went into the car

Josh: so we are having a sleepover

he laughed

Y/n: yes

Josh: so the kiss at your house

Y/n: Josh I literally couldn't stand you the other day and now I feel like I know you so well and I don't think that just happens

Josh: I know same I want to kiss you whenever I want

Y/n: I know so do I but what about Jaden

Josh: I don't know do we hide it from him

Y/n: I feel so bad lying to him but he would never be okay with this look at the way he responds to the comments on our insta posts

Josh: I know

Y/n: so I guess just hide it

Josh: yay but what are we

Y/n: I don't know Mr. Richards what are we

Josh: I mean do you want to take it slow and not make anything official yet

Y/n: yeah but can we be exclusive

Josh: yes that's great no title until we tell Jaden I guess???

Y/n: yeah sadly

Josh: as long as I can do this

he kissed me

Josh: then I'm fine with that

Y/n: me too

I kiss him again and then we get out of his car and go in his apartment

Josh: so like how does this work can I call you babe

Y/n: I don't know how it works but I guess so baby

Josh: aww baby

Y/n: can we watch movies and cuddle

Josh: whatever you want

I kissed him and then we watched Disney movies and fell asleep

I woke up the next morning and Josh wasn't in the bed I went to look for him and I found him making breakfast for me

Josh: good morning babe

Y/n: good morning

I kissed him

Y/n: are you making me breakfast

Josh: yeah anything for you

Y/n: awww I love this

Josh: thank you

Y/n: you're welcome and also off topic but how are we going to get me home

Josh: I have an idea

He texted Jaden to tell him he was going to come over and then I texted Jaden saying I needed to be picked up at a certain time and he said that he'll have Josh do it so we are in the clear

Y/n: looks like my babe is driving me home

He came over and hugged me and gave me breakfast

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