wheres jaden?

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December 31, 2020

me and Josh went live

Josh: what's up everyone happy New Year's Eve

Y/n: happy new years eve everyone

joshyisdaddy: what are you guys doing today?

Josh: what are you guys doing today we are going to a party later but for now we are just chilling and before we were talking to some of my parents friends

Y/n: I'm meeting a lot of people today

I laughed

hosslersiblings13: what is happening with Jaden he hasn't been posting

Y/n: um I don't know I saw him a few days ago I'll call one of the boys

I was concerned about J cause I thought he would go straight back to LA and I assumed he had done that but maybe not so I called Bryce I would have called J but he wouldn't answer since we are in a fight

Call between Bryce and Y/n

Bryce: y/n hey what's up

Y/n: is J there

Bryce: no I thought he was with you

Y/n: no long story short he punched Josh a few time I had to take Josh to the doctor he is fine though but I just assumed he would go straight back to LA

Bryce: no he's not here have you tried calling him

Y/n: I'll try but he probably wouldn't pick up cause he thinks I'm pissed at him

Bryce: okay so you call him I'll call Mads and then if that doesn't work I'll call him

Y/n: okay call me back if you know anything I'll text you with details

Bryce: kk bye

End of Call

I went back into the room with Josh and whispered in his ear

Y/n: I know your mad at him right now but J is missing he is not in LA

Josh: okay alright let me end the live

he whispered in my ear

Y/n: okay guys we are gonna end the live we have to um

Josh: get ready for the party we are going to


we ended the live and I immediately called J and it went to voice mail so I left a message

Y/n- J if your listening please call me back I know we are in a fight right now but I will always care about you no matter what I love you also call one of the boys if you don't wanna call me please I love you J

I texted Bryce to tell him that J didn't pick up and he said that Mads didn't know where he was either so he said that he was gonna call J and Josh said he would call my parents

Call between Josh and Amy

Josh- Hi Amy

Amy: hey Josh what's up

Josh: is Jaden there or have you talked to him

Amy: he's not here but I talked to him

Josh: when

Amy: what's going on Josh

Josh: we don't know where he is and he's not picking up his phone

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