surprise gift

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we woke up the next day and we headed over to the sway house I still have to give Josh his gift but I'm going to do that later but now me, Josh, Bryce and Jaden are filming teatok



Josh: what's going on guys

Jaden: this is the first time I have ever seen Josh like dead inside during a YouTube video like y/n had more energy than him

Josh: yeah well I can't do too much screaming or activity because of my lung so it makes it harder for me to breathe if I do that stuff

Jaden: well that's dark anyway

Josh: yes so the teaaaaaaa this weak

Josh: so most of the tea is like me and y/n but there are some other things

Bryce: yeah so basically Josh and y/n got in a huge fight like a huge huge fight

Josh: yeah bryce we get it I f*cked up

Y/n: hey hey hey it's okay we aren't talking about this

Josh: yeah off camera

Y/n: okay

Josh: okay so next is I got into a car accident

Jaden: yeah so he got in a really bad accident and wasn't responsive for a little while

I laid my head on Josh's shoulder

Y/n: scariest thing

Josh: I'm okay though I love you so much

Y/n: I love you too

we kissed

Bryce: it was genuinely really scary and that's coming from me a person who jokes around a lot

Josh: is Bryce going soft

Bryce: what no-

Y/n: aww Bryce is a softie

Jaden: he's a simp for Josh how cute

Y/n: hey let's not go that far Josh is mine

Bryce: actually he's mine

Jaden: let's be real he's mine


Josh: she has a point

Y/n: see he likes me better than the rest of you

Bryce: that isn't true

Josh: ...

Jaden: duhhhh I'm his favorite

Anthony walked in

Anthony: I'm his boyfriend

Josh: I'm not saying anything

Y/n: it's okay baby

I hug him

Josh: yeah she's my favorite

Jaden: WHAT well I introduced you two so I should be the favorite

Josh: you did introduce us but your mean sometimes

Y/n: ha I'm the favorite

I hugged Josh

Bryce: I just know J Rod will be leaving that whole thing in

J Rod: yup

Josh: okay anyway Jaden

Jaden: oh god

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