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After that it was time to go to bed so me, Jaden, Josh Liv and Will slept in the basement and then the next morning they had to be up early so me and Jaden also woke up early, they had to do a few last mi the things before leaving

Shelly: alright so does everyone have everything

Josh: yes I do

Liv: me too

Will: same here

Mike: I'm all good

Shelly: alright let's get going Jaden and Y/n you know where bears stuff all is it's all packed take it as you need and then put it back to make it easier when you drop him off in a few days I will text you the address for that okay thank you guys so much

Jaden: no problem Shelly

Y/n: anytime

I smile and she hugs us both and I say goodbye to Mike, Liv and Will and Jaden says goodbye to them and Josh and then it's my turn to say goodbye to Josh

Josh: baby I'll see you in two weeks and we can FaceTime okay

we were both crying I know a little dramatic but we haven't been apart for that long ever since we started dating

Y/n: okay I love you so much

Josh: I love you too

we kiss and then have a really long hug and then they leave the house and there I was left in his house me and Jaden

Jaden: hey you okay

Y/n: yeah I think I will be

he hugged me

Y/n: alright so we leave for LA tomorrow night right?

Jaden: yeah

Y/n: alright want to see what Caleb and Romi are doing

Jaden: sure I can text them if you want

Y/n: yeah sure make a groupchat

Jaden: k


Jaden: hey guys it's Jaden me and y/n wanted to see if you guys were doing anything today

Romi: I can't today but when are you guys leaving for LA

Y/n: tomorrow we got you guys tickets

Romi: alright thank you I'll see you tomorrow can you send me the flight info

Y/n: sure

Caleb: I can hang today

Jaden: sick come over Josh's we are here till tomorrow night obviously

Caleb: sick I'll be over soon

Y/n: see you soon

End of texts

I texted the flight info to Romi and hung out
on the couch until Caleb came over

Caleb: yoo what's up

we hug it wasn't awkward he's Josh's best friend

Jaden: what's up Caleb

Caleb: not much what do you guys want to do

Y/n: well what do you suggest

Caleb: we could go to Toronto it's like an hour or two drive tho

Y/n: I mean it is early we could be back by tonight

Caleb: yeah that's good

Jaden: I'm good with that but we can't be gone too long cause of Bear

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