our thing

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Paparazzi: Jaden I love your new song

Jaden: thank you I appreciate it

Paparazzi: any other projects coming out

Jaden: just music

Paparazzi: alright that's cool and one last question what's going on with you and Mads

Jaden: me and Mads are just friends I'm trying to focus on music and myself right now but Mads is amazing

Paparazzi: alright well thank you for your time

He came over to me next

Paparazzi: hey Y/n

Y/n: hey how are you

Paparazzi: I'm good so I know I saw you earlier but Josh mentioned a trip what's that

Y/n: um yeah I didn't actually know about it until earlier but yeah we are going to visit some family

Paparazzi: alright well you guys enjoy the rest of your night

Y/n: thank you

he left and we took pictures with some fans

Fan: Josh can we get married

Josh: uh I don't think Y/n would like that

Fan: I was kidding I love Y/n

I was laughing really hard cause Josh looked so awkward I honestly didn't care about the fan

Josh: it was nice to meet you

he walked over to me and I couldn't stop laughing

Josh: what are you laughing at

Y/n: how awkward it was with that fan

Josh: oh my god come on

we left and went back to the beach house and Jaden went back to Sway

Josh: that fan was like we should get married and I wanted to be like no but I had to be nice

Y/n: aww how loyal I love you

Josh: love you too now I'm going to bed we have the beach day tomorrow so I need to get ready

Y/n: alright goodnight baby I love you

Josh: are you not coming to bed with me

Y/n: oh yeah that's right I'm stupid

Josh: no your not

We went to bed and woke up the next morning

Josh: morning let's go

Y/n: what it's 6 am

Josh: we have breakfast reservations before everyone comes

Y/n: no Josh you didn't have to do that

Josh: yes I did it's the least I could do

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