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January 21, 2021

Me and Josh spent 2 weeks in Australia not in contact with anyone, we got back yesterday and just went straight home and didn't stop by Sway or anything but now we are at Sway and Bryce is informing us on everything that has happened

Bryce: hey guys

Y/n: hey

Josh: what did we miss

Bryce: oh you have no f*cking clue

we sat down

Y/n: okay I'm getting scared

Bryce: well first off Jaden and Nessa left and he's with her in New Jersey with her family

Josh: f*ck him

Y/n: baby

I looked at him

Josh: sorry

Y/n: don't apologize

Josh: okay

Bryce: well Jaden got into a fist fight with Tayler and then they unfollowed eachother

Josh: he's such an ass

Y/n: what about Charly?

Bryce: well listen to this he hooked up with her again after you left and Nessa was pissed at him

Y/n: I swear to god I'll beat his ass is Nessa okay

Bryce: yeah it's fine it turns out Nessa also hooked up with someone so they just talked it out

Y/n: well I'm still f*cking pissed but

Bryce: oh and your parents told me they wanted to get in touch with you and I said that you guys told me you weren't talking to anyone and then they got all pissed that you wouldn't answer and they blamed it on Josh and were like he's taking her away from us

Y/n: I can't with my family I really can't

Josh: now you know how I felt with my family

Y/n: I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to bring bad memories back

Josh: no it's fine but just know I'm gonna be here with you until it gets better

Y/n: thank you Josh

Josh: no need to thank me

he kissed the top of my head

Bryce: I did tell her you guys came back yesterday she said she was going to go to your house today

Y/n: honestly I'm sick of her bullshit let's go over there today

Josh: you sure baby

Y/n: I know they are just gonna attack you so if you don't wanna come you don't have to

Josh: no im coming I want to be there for you

Y/n: I mean if you want okay

Bryce: you guys going now or are you gonna come back later

Josh: we will probably come back

Y/n: yeah

Bryce: alright sounds good

Josh: k peace

we left and drove to my parents house

Amy: oh my god y/n your okay

she hugged me

Y/n: I was literally fine the whole time

I said with an attitude

Y/n: Bryce told you where I was so I don't know why you were concerned

I held Josh's hand

Amy: don't talk to me like that

Y/n: I think I have the right to talk to you that way after what you texted to Josh

Amy: what texts

Y/n: don't play dumb

Amy: fine but he deserves it he took you away from us and is tiring you into a bitch

I hugged Josh and he hugged me

Y/n: Josh has been nothing but good for me and I can't believe that you would just take Jadens side like that I guess it really shows who you love more

John: y/n we don't love either one of you more we just think Josh is being an idiot

Josh: you realize that I'm standing right here and you don't have to talk like I'm not in the room

we were still in the hug and I looked up at him and smiled I'm glad he was standing up for himself

John: fine then why are you so pissed

Josh: maybe because he didn't ask permission it's nice if he would ask and I also have had it done to me more than once people tried taking Nessa from me and they tried taking Y/n from me I have been burned by so many people so punish me for being mad that

John: Y/n your coming back home right now and are breaking up with him

Y/n: I'm 19 years old I have a stable income am a college student and a social media influencer while also having a little side job that I do everyone once in a while no one will tell me what to do anymore you have no right to tell me to break up with Josh and no right to have a say in anything I do

Amy: look at you y/n your really gonna give away your family to be with him


I look at Josh and he looked back at me and kissed my forehead

John: he has no right to be mad at Jaden and we were just calling him out on it

Y/n: okay your wrong but calling him out on it is one thing but straight attacking him is another I can't even believe you to right now I'm just so done if you to wanna see me get married and Dad if you want to walk me down the aisle you should rethink everything you just said

Amy: fine now go if you want to live with someone who's changed you go ahead

John: fine by me

Y/n: I can't even believe you to are willing to lose our relationship over Josh who you know and LOVE like your own son and one thing changes it just shows me that you to don't care about me bye I guess

me and Josh walk out of the house and drive to Sway and we go into Josh's bed to cuddle

Josh: I'm sorry I just can't help but feel that I'm the reason for this

Y/n: babe you've done nothing wrong you were just angry at Jaden and my parents had no right to get involved in a discussion that wasn't there business

Josh: I guess your right

Y/n: has Nessa tried to contact you cause she hasn't with me

Josh: no I don't think she gives a crap

Y/n: prolly f*cking my brother like it's nothing I mean I don't have a right to be mad cause I'm dating her ex but I'm just a little disappointed you know

Josh: yeah I understand and I don't really have beef with her like you said I'm just a little disappointed

Y/n: whatever people suck my parents suck my brothers suck

Josh: you suck... my d*ck

Y/n: oh shit damn babe

Josh: oh the babe is out today that's sexy

Y/n: oh is it now

he connected his lips to mine and we ended up doing the nasty


sorry I didn't update yesterday I think I'm just gonna switch every other day with updating my books but I'll try to do both each day


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