secret santa

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we go back to sway and we get noah and ellie

Y/n: wait do you guys want to go on like a trip

Nessa: where when

Y/n: um maybe New York I don't know

Josh: wait New York that's one of my favorite places

Y/n: I know

I go over to him and sit on his lap

Noah: New York sounds amazing I haven't been in forever

Anthony: yeah I haven't been since your tour which was like only a few months ago

Y/n: yeah I haven't been since earlier in the year so I was thinking since it's almost Christmas we could go for New Year's Eve and stuff

Ellie: Times Square on New Year's Eve??????

Rachel: um yessss

Noah: I'm in

Anthony: I'm in

Nessa: I'm in

Y/n: and I know the girls are in

Ellie and Rachel: yup

Josh didn't look excited

Y/n: hey Josh what's wrong

Josh: i want to go but like I was hoping we had a big party here

Y/n: it's okay I'll stay with you here and they can go if they want and we can through a party here

I smiled at him but he knew

Josh: baby go your not staying with me here

Y/n: Josh I'm not spending New Years we at you I need my kiss

Josh: fine but I'm coming your not staying here with me

Y/n: no I'll stay I know you don't want to go I get it it's a big crowd and anxiety is a huge thing

Josh: it's been better since I've been seeing the therapist

the rest of them knew what was going on cause he had told them before

Y/n: you sure your okay with coming

I went over and hugged him

Josh: as long as your going to be there I'll be there

he kissed me and I kissed back

Nessa: Um where do I find this type of relationship

Y/n: Amazon

I was being sarcastic and Josh started to play along also

Josh: it costs 10000000000000000 billion dollars

Y/n: I didn't pay a penny though

Josh: yeah that's weird neither did I

we both couldn't contain our laughter and started bursting out laughing and we couldn't stop

Noah: I guess you could say that if they laugh together they stay together

Josh: forever

Y/n: we're linda and heather best friends

Rachel: I know you did not just reference Liv and Maddie

Y/n: maybe I did maybe I didn't oop

Anthony: um anyways so since it's 2 days before Christmas do you guys want to do a very short secret santa we could all shop today and then give each other our gifts today or tomorrow

Y/n: Anthony with the good ideas

everyone else says they like the idea and then we pick names for the secret santa and I got Anthony
this will be fun

Y/n: bye guys peace out

I was going to walk out to get Anthony's gift and Josh stopped me

Josh: no goodbye kiss or hug or ANYTHING

Y/n: I'm sorry goodbye dumbie I love you

Josh: goodbye I love you too stupid

I hug him and walk out and I go to golf which is Anthony's favorite clothing store I go inside and grab him a few things cause we all sent each other our sizes while I was in the store some guy around my age came up to me

random guy: hey

Y/n: um hi can I help you

random guy: oh no I just think your beautiful

Y/n: thanks but do you know who Josh Richards

random guy: yeah of course he's sick. why do you know him?

Y/n: yeah he's my boyfriend

random guy: no way I'm so sorry for hitting on you

Y/n: it's fine

random guy: well it was nice to meet you...

Y/n: y/n

Y/n: it was nice to meet you too...

random guy: Johnny

Johnny: I guess I'll se you and Josh on my for you page sometime

Y/n: yeah I guess

we both laughed and he walked away and I got the rest of the things for Ant and checked out that was just the nice part of the gift wait for the funny part


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