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January 25, 2021

The past 4 days have just been chill days for Y/n and Josh. Jaden and Nessa are now home so Josh and y/n haven't been to the Sway house since.
They are currently at there house when they hear a car pull up.


Josh: who the f*ck is that

Y/n: I don't know baby let me check

Josh: okay but come right back

Y/n: of course

I went and go the door it was Jaden and Nessa

Jaden: hey

Y/n: hey uh come in I guess

I hugged them both I really didn't have beef with them

Nessa: hey girlie

Y/n: Hi Ness

Jaden: wheres Josh

Y/n: he's in our room you want me to go get him or

Jaden: You think he's gonna kill me

Y/n: I mean maybe but I'll try to keep it calm

Jaden: can I talk to you first though

Y/n: sure

we sat down on the couch

Jaden: are you mad at me

Nessa: yeah I don't want you to be mad

Y/n: I'm not mad I don't have any right to be I'm just a little disappointed you didn't tell me

Jaden: it happened so fast and then we went to New Jersey and we thought you guys were mad and then you were in Australia and we just never got a chance to really talk about it

Nessa: it's been going on a little while but the hook up was the first time we really realized what we wanted

she held his hand it was kinda cute

Y/n: guys I'm not the one you need to worry about

Josh walked in the room

Josh: babe who's at the- WHAT THE F*CK

Y/n: baby calm down

I went over and hugged him and he looked down at me and kissed my forehead

Josh: okay baby I'll be calm

Jaden: bro we are sorry

Josh: I don't wanna be mad at either of you it's just the amount of shit I'm gonna get if you to are together is ridiculous

Y/n: baby think about it this way 1 Chase has tried to get with you ex and your current girlfriend/fiancé 2 he was shutting on your name and 3 he just wanted to hook up at least J isn't just looking for an hit and run you know

Josh: I mean your right but like you guys could have consulted me first

Jaden: yeah we apologize for that to

Y/n: we also got in a huge fight with Mom and Dad

Jaden: what the why

Y/n: they spoke shit on your behalf to Josh but we both knew you had nothing to do with it

Jaden: yeah I had no clue what the f*ck

Nessa: so Josh are we good

Josh: I mean as long as both of you are happy then yeah but please never lie to me again

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