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February 9, 2021

Y/n and Josh flew into Canada last night they got in late and they decided to stay at a hotel so they wouldn't bother his family. They are now in an Uber going over to Josh's parents house.


Y/n: baby did you get any news

Josh: no still nothing I'm so worried

Y/n: she'll be okay don't worry

Josh: thank you for coming with me

Y/n: baby of course I wasn't just gonna let you come alone your in a fragile state

Josh: I love you

Y/n: I love you too baby

I kissed his cheek and shortly after we arrived at his house and Owen Liv's boyfriend let us in

Owen: oh hey guys didn't know you were coming

Josh: hey man

we walked inside

Liv: Josh, Y/n I didn't know you guys were coming

Y/n: it was last minute how's your mom?

Liv: I honestly don't know I was trying to keep you updated Josh but I didn't know much more cause Dad has been with her and we were asleep when he came home and he left before we woke up so

Josh: dammit

he plopped down on the couch with his hands running through his hair

Y/n: hey Josh it's gonna be okay


I sat down next to him

Y/n: your right I don't know but you have to think positive

Josh: how baby how

he was in tears he's never usually like this

Y/n: well just think she slipped on ice and sometimes when that happens to people they only have minor injuries so just think about how she'll recover quickly hopefully

Josh: your right thank you baby I love you

he hugged me and gave me a kiss

Josh: I think I'm going to go upstairs and lay down for a bit

Y/n: you gonna be okay you want me to come with you

Josh: I'll be fine baby thank you

Y/n: no problem if you need me yell

Josh: okay

he went upstairs and I really wanted to go with him cause I was worried but instead I stayed with Liv and Owen

Liv: damn he's really upset

Y/n: yeah his anxiety sucks for him sometimes

Liv: I'm so glad you came with him I wouldn't have been able to keep him calm

Y/n: Liv even if he didn't want to come I would have been here anyway I love you guys and if you need anything I'll always be here

Liv: thank you

we hugged

Y/n: i don't understand why your dads not telling you anything

Liv: I don't know it's making me think the worst

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