valentines day pt. 1

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February 14, 2021

Today is Valentine's Day Y/n and Josh don't have any plans most likely cause of the fact that they are supposedly "broken up" , they are supposed to go back to Canada today and they figured they would just not do anything for Valentine's Day since it will be the first of many. Currently they are on there way to the airport, Buddy is with Nessa and they already said goodbye to everyone.


Josh: should we just f*ck it and walk through the airport together

Y/n: I honestly don't care

Josh: they are gonna ask like where we are going and shit

Y/n: uh f*ck should we just walk in at different times

Josh: I guess I mean

we arrived at the airport and I got out first and of course the pap was there

Paparazzi: hey y/n I just wanted to apologize for everything I saw Bryces video

Y/n: thank you but it wasn't you specifically it's just a general statement

Paparazzi: so where are you going?

Y/n: um I'm going to Texas to see some family I just need some time away from everything you know

Paparazzi: yeah I'm sorry about the breakup

Y/n: oh thank you it's okay I still love him it just sometimes things don't work out you know and like I said the other day it's not about the cheating that was all fake it was mutual and it just happened to happen at the same time as that scandal thing

Paparazzi: you doing okay?

Y/n: as good as I will be for a little

I smiled at him

Y/n: well let me go cause I have to catch my flight but thank you I'm sure I'll see you soon

Paparazzi: of course thank you have a safe flight

Y/n: thank you

I walked into the airport and then went through security and went to the gate waiting for Josh honestly we didn't think about fans but it's

Josh: y/n

Y/n: hey babe- oh shit not babe

we both laughed and he hugged me

Y/n: did the pap stop you

Josh: of course they were lowkey confused and were like did you know y/n was just here and I was like what no I haven't talked to her since the breakup

Y/n: yeah but we have to sit separately like in here cause like fans and shit

Josh: f*ck your right alright I'll see you on the plane love you

I laughed I was confused why he said I love you

Y/n: love you too

he walked away from me and we just texted each other for a half hour till we boarded the plane and sat next to each other in our seats

Josh: if a fan sees us right now we are f*cked

Y/n: we definitely are already f*cked someone had to have seen us in the airport

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