moving day

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I woke up today and I'm so happy cause I am moving in with the love of my life today :) I went downstairs ate breakfast with the girls, then we packed up the rest of my things and drove to the Sway house

Bryce: gooooood morning

Y/n: so Bryce I hear you going to be coming over everyday

Bryce: yup we are going to be besties

he said sarcastically

Y/n: yeah great for me

I said sarcastically and we both laughed

Jaden: there's my sister

Y/n: hey J

Jaden: are you sure you don't want to move in here

Y/n: I mean I'd love too but me and Josh need our own space

Jaden: I get it I love both of you but I'm not happy about this

Y/n: wait really I'm sorry I thought you were okay with it I won't move I'll stay here I'll go back home-

Jaden: I'm kidding

Y/n: wait actually

Jaden: yes I think it's a little too late to be mad about the relationship

he laughed

Y/n: your literally the best brother ever

Jaden: wow I really appreciate that

Griffin walked in

Griffin: yoo your boyfriend go u a sick house I'm moving in

Y/n: okay let's go

I joked then Josh walked in

Josh: um no one will be living with us

He walks in the room as he is carrying boxes and then comes over to me and kisses me on the forehead

Josh: hi baby

Y/n: hi

Jaden: you guys need help packing the cars

Y/n: I think we are good cause I packed all my stuff in my car but then again Josh does have more stuff then me

Josh: Y/n you weren't supposed to tell them that

Bryce: wait Josh has more stuff then a girl

Josh: look what you did Y/n

Bryce: damn I'm going to miss you bro

Josh: you realize we have a designated room for you at our house

we all laughed

Bryce: yeah I know it's just going to be weird not waking up and seeing you

Y/n: do you guys like sleep in the same bed or something, Josh are you cheating on me with Bryce

Josh: no babe I promise it's not what it looks like

We joked and then he put his arms around my waist

Josh: we should get going though

Y/n: yeah we have a lot to do

Jaden: alright you need help

Y/n: um yeah if you don't mind coming to the house to help unpack a few things

The girls were going right to the house

Jaden: boyssss

the rest of the sway boys all came out

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