car talks

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we got home and we watched a movie

Caleb: alright I'm going to go but I'll se you guys tomorrow

Y/n: alright I'll text in the group chat about tomorrow

Caleb: ok

Jaden: today was sick

Y/n: yeah it really was thank you caleb

Caleb: I mean you are about to try to make me an influencer so it's the least I could do

we hug him and he leaves and I text in the groupchat


Y/n: okay so the flight is at 9:30 tomorrow night so you guys can come here before and we'll Uber to the airport

Caleb: alright what time should we be there tomorrow

Y/n: 7:30? I guess

Romi: I think that's good

Jaden: yeah

Y/n: alright I'll see you guys tomorrow

Caleb: alright

End of texts

I put on one of Josh's hoodies he had here and went to bed, I wake up the next morning and I pack all my stuff up, I go downstairs and make breakfast for Jaden and I and then I wake him up


Jaden: why Y/n stop

Y/n: I made breakfast

Jaden: chocolate chip pancakes?

Y/n: you know it

he got right up cause those are his fave

Jaden: I'm best sister award goes to

Y/n: me of course

Jaden: facts

he runs downstairs and goes right to the kitchen and I follow him

Y/n: I made Moms recipe

he got the syrup and ate one

Jaden: wait these taste exactly like hers

Y/n: good

I laughed, we both ate breakfast and watched Netflix the rest of the day until 5:30 we dropped Bear off at the dog sitters house and then we went back to the house and finished packing our stuff up and then watched a movie, then the boys showed up

Caleb: yooo what's up

Romi: hey guys

Jaden: not much you guys ready

Y/n: yeah are you sure you want to come

Caleb: yeah of course

Romi: same here

Y/n: before we go I need you both to promise me one thing

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