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January 2, 2021

It is now a day later we didn't do much the rest of yesterday but right now it's 12 o'clock and we just pulled up to my parents house I'm kinda nervous for Josh's parents so meet mine I mean I think they will like each other but still a little skeptical anyway I knock on the door and my mom lets us in

Y/n: hey mom how are you

Amy: I'm good sweety how are you how was Canada

Y/n: good good made up with Jaden

Amy: finally

Y/n: but mom this is Shelly, Mike, Liv and Will

Shelly: it's so nice to finally meet you

Amy: yes you too come in come in

Mike: it's jive to meet you

Amy: you too you too

Liv and Will: so glad to be here

Amy: I'm glad y'all could come

Shelly: thank you for having us

Amy: don't thank me thank y/n and josh they are the ones letting you stay at there house also hi josh

Josh: hey ms. h

he hugged her

Shelly: yes I suppose

Amy: we'll come on in sit down

Y/n: wheres dad

Amy: dad has to pick up Sophie, Clayton and Hayley

Y/n: Oh my god I almost forgot they were coming

Amy: that's okay

she laughed

Josh: I'm so happy my two families get to meet cause one day you guys are gonna be grandparents together

Shelly: oh god

Amy: are you two trying to tell us something

Y/n: oh OH GOD NO not yet

Josh: we want to wait till we are married and probably till y/n is out of college

Amy: see Josh this is why I love you your so respectful of y/n

Y/n: he's that best

I hugged him

Shelly: Josh I'm proud of you

Josh: thanks mom

he hugged her

Shelly: now do you kids want to watch a movie while we talk

Y/n: wow kicking us out when we brought you together

me and Josh laughed

Josh: nah she's just playin with you Liv Will let's go downstairs and make some tiktoks

we all went downstairs and made tiktoks



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