off the grid

812 3 9

March 2, 2021
New Jersey

Bryce and Josh had to go to New Jersey because Ani is being put in Shop Rite's, Y/n ultimately decided to go with them and currently they are at there hotel.


Bryce: we gotta leave soon

Y/n: I'll stay here

Josh: no baby come with us

Bryce: yeah come on everyone will be excited to see you

Y/n: okay if yall really don't care

Josh: why would we care and again we pretend we are friends

Bryce: yeah not like your engaged or anything pshhh

I looked at Josh signaling to him that we should tell him that way he could also help put the wedding together cause I think he's be perfect for a prank and josh nodded

Y/n: actually Bryce there is something we've been meaning to tell you

Bryce: are you pregnant

Y/n: no why does everyone think that do we f*ck that often

Bryce: I mean eh but what is it

Josh: we are already married

Bryce: WHAT when did you get married

Josh: Valentine's Day in Canada my house in the backyard with just my family

Bryce: bro that's awesome congrats you guys

he hugged us both

Y/n: we are still having a wedding but the ceremony we are gonna come out and say we are already married

Josh: we wanna prank everyone and we think you will be perfect for it

Bryce: thank you that's so nice

Y/n: no problem there will be more details to come but for now you two need to get to Shop Rite

Josh: wait your not coming baby I need you there

Y/n: oh I'm coming don't worry I'm just saying I don't technically have to be there you know

Josh: okay yeah that makes sense

we hoped in the car and the driver took us to the first Shoprite and there were tons of fans



we got mobbed as we were walking in

Manager: well welcome to Shop Rite

Josh: hahah thank you I'm Josh by the way

Bryce: I'm Bryce

Josh: oh and this is Y/n she's my ex girlfriend but we are best friends now

Manager: it's nice to meet all of you I'm Debbie

Josh: nice to meet you

Managers: ok so everything is set up the cases of Ani are out on display and we have a little booth for you outside to promote the stuff

we all went to the booth, Josh's and Bryce got ready to meet fans while I sat on the side filming tiktoks and doing random stuff to pass the time

Josh: hey everyone thanks for coming out today me and Josh are so thankful for all of the support on Ani and let's get this started

everyone clapped and the boys were signing things and doing their thing for an hour until someone approached the booth where they were and I couldn't hear the whole conversation but the next thing I knew Josh ended up on the ground and security was escorting the guy out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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