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the next morning me and Josh woke up, picked Jaden up from sway

in the sway house

Y/n: yoooo Jaden we are here

Jaden yelled from upstairs

Jaden: kk I'll be down soon

Bryce: oh hey

Josh: hey

Y/n: hey

Josh: I really appreciate what you did for Y/n the other day and I'm sorry for being mad it was a game

Bryce: no I'm sorry

Josh: brothers?

Bryce: brothers

they hug

Josh: bro's before hoes


Josh: jeez I was kidding

Y/n: ugh

I walked out dramatically and Josh ran after me and I was hysterically laughing

Josh: what

he hugged me

Y/n: I'm not mad I thought it was funny

Josh: aww but still I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you that

Y/n: Josh it's fine

Josh: you sure

Y/n: yeah now let's go get Jadens lazy ass and go to Canada

he laughed and we walked upstairs and dragged Jaden out of the house, we said goodbye to everyone and then went to the airport

At the airport

Josh: okay I'm scared cause like I don't know what terms me and my family are on like we left it on good terms but like they haven't made and effort to see me do they even care about me anymore

Y/n: hey stop overthinking this they love you so much and if there is that slight possibility that they don't but it's very slight me and Jaden are still here we always will be okay

Jaden: yeah man we both love you so much we'll always be your second family and we can be your first if you need

Josh hugged us both

Josh: I love you guys so much thank you for everything and when we get back I'm moving back into Sway I feel better like a lot better I'm still going to go to a therapist but other than that I think I'm ready to move back in

Jaden: yes man I'm so happy

They hugged

Y/n: as much as I'll miss living with you I can't wait to live with my girls and I think this is good for you

Josh: I know baby but one day we will live together permanently

Y/n: wow you think about that already

Josh: yeah of course do you?

Y/n: yes all the time but I didn't know we were on the same page

Josh: well now you know that I want to marry you in the future

Y/n: awwww

we kiss in the middle of the airport and then our flight gets called, we get on the flight and then 4 hours later we land in Canada and get in an Uber, we then arrive to Josh's house

𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉 - 𝖏𝖔𝖘𝖍 𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘Where stories live. Discover now