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February 10, 2021

Josh's mom is now home from the hospital they spent the whole day at the hospital yesterday and now they are back at Josh's parents house. Josh has spent every minute with his mom which Y/n completely understands but they still need to talk about the next few weeks


Y/n: babe can we talk

Josh: in a minute baby my mom needs water

Y/n: okay

I sighed and followed him into the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone while he ran upstairs to his mom

Liv: hey y/n you okay

Y/n: yeah I'm fine

she most have heard me sigh or heard our convo

Liv: obviously your not and that's okay just talk to me

Y/n: fine I don't wanna sound selfish at all and I don't care but Josh and I need to talk and he just hasn't been paying attention to me which I COMPLETELY understand and I'm okay with it but I wish that when I need to talk he would you know

Liv: yeah I can see that from the minute you guys got here it was all about my mom which is the reason you guys came here but even when he said he was gonna move back in he didn't even consult you about it and pretended like you didn't exist almost and that it's just him which isn't true

Y/n: thanks for letting me talk to you and for understanding

Liv: are you gonna tell him how you feel

Y/n: I was trying just to talk to him about Buddy cause Bryce can't watch her forever so

Liv: okay this is what we are gonna do your gonna take Josh to get something for my mom and your gonna talk to him about everything and we'll see what happens

Y/n: thank you Liv

I hugged her and went back to making breakfast and shortly after everyone besides Josh and Shelly came down for breakfast

Mike: Y/n thank you for doing this

Y/n: no problem anytime I'll go bring some up to Shelly and Josh in a minute

I forgot to mention that Will is now back

Will: Y/n

Y/n: yes Will

Will: are you and Josh gonna break up I heard you and Liv's conversation

Y/n: no we aren't don't worry I just need to talk to him about something and we will be okay

Mike: everything okay

Y/n: yeah I just am stressed a bit about Buddy and I tried to talk to Josh about it but it didn't work

Mike: oh well maybe take him somewhere he needs to get out

Liv: that's what I suggested but I realized there is no way he'll leave mom

Mike: I'll text mom about it

Y/n: no I really don't want to cause anything I love all of you and

Mike: Y/n your important to and Josh needs to step up and be your fiancé

Y/n: he doesn't have to I know he's occupied

Liv: Y/n yes he does

Y/n: okay

while they were eating breakfast I went upstairs and knocked on Josh's moms door and Josh opened it

Josh: oh hey baby

Y/n: I brought breakfast

Shelly: aw thank you so much Y/n come in

I walked into the room and sat down

Shelly: we were just talking about you

Y/n: really

Josh: yeah we were talking about how lucky I am

Y/n: I love you

Josh: I love you too

he kissed me

Shelly: hey Josh why don't you too go out today I will be fine Dad and Liv will take good care of me

she must have gotten Mike's text

Josh: no I can't leave you here

Shelly: yes you can and you will

Josh: okay fine I'll be gone and hour and a half that's it

Shelly: deal

the three of us hung out while they ate there breakfasts and then me and josh hopped in the car to go on a drive

Y/n: Josh can we drive somewhere to talk

Josh: yeah sure

he drove to a little place overlooking Toronto

Y/n: so we need to talk about some things

Josh: okay

Y/n: well first convo I wanna have is I am a little frustrated with you and I didn't want to say anything cause i understand everything that is going on right now but I just wish you could sit down and talk to me for 5 minutes instead of pretending I don't exist and yes your here right now but that's because of Liv your mom and your dad and I get you wanna take care of your mom and I completely understand but I just wish i could have 5 minutes of your time without you getting distracted

he looked at me with a sad look

Josh: I'm so sorry your right baby I have been making many decisions without you and that's not okay we are gonna be married and I need to talk to you about things. I am also sorry for not letting you talk to me I've been very distracted and I thank you so much for being so understanding

He kissed me and I kissed him back

Y/n: I love you

Josh: I love you always

Y/n: now that that's good we need to decide about Buddy

Josh: okay

Y/n: should I go back and stay with her till you come home and then ship you your clothes or should I go to LA and get her and then come back and bring your clothes with me or would another dog be too overwhelming for your mom do you even want me here or

Josh: woah woah woah of course I want you here you are such a big help like breakfast this morning my dad doesn't know how to do that and my mom can't do it right now so you were amazing and I need you here to keep me sane

Y/n: okay I'll stay I just have to tell everyone I'm working remotely for a bit I still do have to go back to LA though I have an audition for a movie this week

Josh: babe congrats that's amazing and if you need to stay there longer I get it but I would love to have you here I need someone to keep me warm at night

Y/n: I love you so f*cking much Joshua

Josh: I love you to Y/n

he kissed me and we went back to his house


I keep saying I'm gonna end this book and then I come up with more chapters to write 💀

also the song linked has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter Madison Beer is just a queen and it went with the title so


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