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Texts Between Josh and Y/n

Y/n: hey babe look to your left

Josh: what

End of texts

he turned to look,  he saw me at the table with my friends, he walked over and I got up and hugged him

Josh: what are you guys doing here

Y/n: we were having a girls night I didn't even see you but the girls pointed you out

he laughed

Josh: I'm glad they did I missed you

Y/n: same and also these are my friends this is Ellie

Josh: nice to meet you Ellie

Ellie: oh my god hi Josh Richards

Y/n: Ellie don't be weird

Ellie: sorry I'm just a big fan

Josh: it's okay you got lucky having y/n as a friend

she looked at me

Ellie: yeah

Y/n: oh and Josh this is Rachel

Josh: hi Rachel

She took a few seconds to respond

Rachel: oh what sorry hi Josh

Y/n: she's in love with Anthony even though she has a boyfriend

Josh: I mean if you really want me and y/n could introduce you

Y/n: that's what I said

Rachel: alright

We threw our garbage out and then went over to their table and sat down since there was a lot of room

Anthony: oh hey y/n what are you doing here

Y/n: me and my friends were just getting dinner and we saw you guys

Ellie: yeah and I'm Ellie by the way

Anthony: it's nice to meet you

Y/n: and this is Rachel she is a really big fan

Rachel: yes hi I'm Rachel I'm sorry I just your Anthony Reeves

Anthony: that would indeed be me

Josh: well this is awkward

Y/n: shut up Josh

We talked and let them finish there dinner and then we died goodbye

Y/n: alright well we are leaving

Anthony: alright bye Ellie and Rachel nice to meet you and bye hopefully I'll see you guys soon

Ellie: bye Anthony and bye Josh nice to meet you

Josh: you too

Rachel: bye Anthony Reeves and Bye Josh

Y/n: sorry about her but bye Ant

I hugged him

Josh: bye Y/n are you coming over tomorrow

Y/n: I mean if you want I wasn't going to because I wanted you guys to get settled in but if you two want me to I'll come

Josh: um how about you come tomorrow night there is a party at hype you can come with us to I forgot we have to film videos during the day

Y/n: okay I'll see you tomorrow night

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