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I went downstairs trying not to think about Josh too much

Caleb: hey y/n are you okay

Y/n: you saw it

Caleb: I did I'm sorry

Y/n: I'm fine I talked out with Noah and Jaden and I'm going to be okay either way

Caleb: I'm glad

Y/n: okay now let's go I want you guys to meet our parents

we left sway and went to me and Jaden's old house

Mom: hey J and Y/n

Y/n: hey mom

Jaden: hey mom

We hug her

Y/n: these are our friends Caleb and Romi well they're actually Josh's friends from Canada but yeah

Mom: nice to meet you guys

Caleb: nice to meet you Mrs. Hossler

Romi: yes it's nice to meet you

Mom: come sit I'll get snacks

we sit down and she gets snacks

Mom: so how was your trip

Y/n: it was short basically all we did was Caleb took me and Jaden to Toronto

Mom: oh that's nice

Jaden: yeah it was fun

Mom: where's Josh?

I got sad and Caleb mouthed to me

Caleb: you okay?

Y/n: I think so

we re entered the conversation

Jaden: he's in Greece

Y/n: yeah with a girl

Mom: what

Romi: there is a girl Josh posted on insta with we think she's just a friend but we don't know

Y/n: yeah and I'm trusting Josh cause that's important but I'm also still being cautious

Mom: have you talked to him about it?

Y/n: I don't want to but like he knows I had to have seen the insta post so it would be weird if I didn't I feel

Mom: I say enjoy your day with the boys and worry about it later

Y/n: yeah your right anyway where's dad

Mom: at work

Y/n: awe I wanted to see him also I'll have to come back I guess

and laughed

Mom: I guess

she laughed too, we all talked a little longer and Me and Caleb left so I could show him around LA

In the car

Y/n: where do you want to go go first

I laughed knowing that's an impossible answer

Caleb: I don't know you tell me

Y/n: I guess we could go to the walk of fame and then eat at hard rock

Caleb: sounds good

I drove there and then we went to the walk of fame

Caleb: this is so cool to see in person

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