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Josh: I know and that's my fault

Y/n: what no it's not your fault I just feel like for me to protect you I have to run everything I do by you and that's partially why I went to Sway and didn't tell you

Josh: that's okay that's good I have to deal with my problems on my own your just a very good helper

Y/n: do you think we should take a break?

Josh: why would you even say that of course not

Y/n: I don't want to either but wouldn't it be better for you not having me as a burden

Josh: baby I love you and I trust you that's why you went to Sway today and I didn't have a problem and even if I did I would tell you but you shouldn't let me have an opinion and I'm sorry I know our relationship has been a little toxic lately and I'm sorry if I made you feel like I own you or something but I love you and go do you okay

I kissed him

Y/n: and I'm sorry for bringing this up it's not a good time but l needed to get that off my chest

Josh: it's okay con here

He pulled me into a hug

Y/n: the girls, Anthony and Noah are coming tomorrow but after that I'm going to take a day to myself

Josh: okay whatever you need but I was thinking that I would bring you home to Canada with me

Y/n: wait what yes of course I actually don't need a day to myself

Josh: are you sure we can always go the day after

Y/n: yes I'm really excited

Josh: no y/n for once I'm going to do something for you

Y/n: Josh you know that you are the best boyfriend ever and I don't mind doing stuff for you I love you

Josh: I know but like you do so much I want to give back to you

Y/n: oaky you know how you can make it up to me let us go to Canada and let me meet your family okay that's all I want

Josh: okay baby

we kissed

Y/n: now let's go get Jaden and maybe go out for dinner you haven't been anywhere in a little

we went on the beach and saw Jaden

Y/n: hey J

Jaden: hey Y/n what's up you guys good

Josh: yeah we had a very hard conversation tears were involved but we're okay

Jaden: and still together right please please please still be together

Y/n: we are

Jaden: thank god

Josh: the topic came up but we couldn't do it

Y/n: yeah we worked everything out

Jaden: good

Josh: wait Jaden me and Y/n are going to Canada to see my family do you want to come

Jaden: and third wheel?

Y/n: I mean I guess you would be

Jaden: eh sure

Josh: I promise we won't make it awkward

Jaden: I mean it already is

Y/n: true

We all laughed

Y/n: anyway do you wanna grab dinner with us

Jaden: Josh is actually leaving this house for once of course I'm coming

Josh: shut up your annoying

I went over to Josh and hugged him from behind and laid my chin on his shoulder

Y/n: Josh be nice

he turned around and kissed me and I pulled away

Josh: what

Y/n: we said that we wouldn't make it awkward for Jaden that starts now

Josh: ugh fine but can I still have that kiss

Y/n: fine

I kissed him

Y/n: was that okay?

Josh: yes now let's go eat some steak budsssss

Y/n: jeez Jaden what did you do to him it's a good thing but how

Jaden: he just needed his best friend and not his girlfriend

Y/n: um Josh

Josh: oop

Jaden: faces he needs me more

Y/n: considering I'm the one who stopped my life to come stay with him I'm pretty sure he needs me more


he laughed

Josh: I need you both okay

Jaden: okay bro

they hugged and then Josh came over to me

Josh: your my baby

we kissed and he hugged me


We hop in the car and we go to Boa and eat our steak and after we come out me and Josh holding hands and of course the paparazzi is there and some fans but we don't mind the fans

Paparazzi: hey Josh how are you doing we missed you

Josh: I'm doing better yeah thank you I appreciate it

Paparazzi: no problem do you know when you'll be coming back

Josh pulled me into his side

Josh: um at the moment I don't really know but I am doing a lot better so I will hopefully be back soon, the three of us are going on a little vacation and then maybe I'll come back after

Paparazzi: that's good do you have any big projects coming I know your on a break but

Josh: um yeah a few things one with Bryce but that's all Ill give you

Paparazzi: ok ok anyway how is Bryce he hasn't been active

I was now talking to some fans next to Josh

Josh: um i don't know, babe do you know what's up with Bryce

Y/n: um I saw him today I didn't know he want posting he seemed good

Paparazzi: you haven't seen him Josh??

Josh: oh yeah I haven't been staying at sway like I said I have been dealing with personal issues that I needed to deal with offline away from everyone

Paparazzi: so have you seen Jaden besides today

Josh: no today was the first day I've seen Jaden but Y/n has been with me through all of this

Paparazzi: oh ok are you seeing any of the other guys soon

Josh: yeah I'm seeing Noah and Anthony tomorrow

Paparazzi: alright we'll have fun it was great talking to you

Josh: you too

the paparazzi went to talk to Jaden


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