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December 29, 2020

I woke up Josh wasn't awake yet but I decided to call Nessa since I forgot to last night there is a three hour time difference but Nessa always wakes up early so I called her and she just asked me how I was doing with the Josh and Jaden thing after the call I just chilled on my phone till Josh woke up

Josh: baby

he said while he rubbed his eyes

Y/n: hey babe how you feel

Josh: like absolute shit

Y/n: okay I'm gonna get you some Advil okay and then I'll make you breakfast

Josh: thank you

I went into the bathroom that is attached to his room and got him some Advil and water and brought it back to him

Josh: thank you baby

he took the Advil and then he hugged me really tight and wouldn't let go

Y/n: I love you

Josh: I love you too

Y/n: do you remember yesterday

Josh: no not really all I remember is going to the bar

Y/n: so you don't remember me picking you up or the phone call

Josh: no I'm sorry

Y/n: no no it's okay you were pretty funny

I laughed

Josh: oh god

Y/n: well Liv is kinda mad at you

Josh: why what happened what did I say

I saw his anxiety start to build up so I just kissed his cheek to make sure he knew I was there for him

Y/n: well Owen her boyfriend came over last night and you were drunk

Josh: what oh my god I forgot f*ck I'm such a bad brother he had to see me drunk

Y/n: it's okay he only had like a minute interaction with you I dragged you up here and you threw up on the rug and then in cleaned it and then I helped you shower

Josh: damn you didn't have to take care of me

Y/n: thats my job

Josh: no it's not I shouldn't of gotten drunk I just got carried away I haven't seen some of the boys in a while

Y/n: baby your gonna be my husband

Josh: I know but I need to learn to not f*ck up

Y/n: it's okay Owen stayed over

he looked at me


Y/n: mr you don't have a right to be angry

Josh: I know I know I just don't like the thought of that

Y/n: well don't turn into Jaden you hate the way he controls me

Josh: yeah your right I'll just be laid back

Y/n: good also have you talked to Jaden

Josh: I don't know hopefully I didn't talk to him last night

he checked his texts

Josh: f*ck

Y/n: what what's up

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