valentines day pt. 2

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February 14, 2021

Y/n and Liv just came up from hanging out in the basement. While they were down there Josh planned something for Valentine's Day and is going to get Y/n from the basement.

Josh: babe

Y/n: yes baby

Josh: it's Valentine's Day and I know we can't go out cause of our relationship thing so if you'd follow me I have something special for you

Y/n: baby you didn't have to

Josh: of course I did it's our first Valentine's Day

Y/n: i mean okay I guess

he took me to the backyard and he had candles and lights hung it was really cute

Y/n: Joshua Kenneth Richards oh my god this is so cute and I f*cking love you to death

we had sat down at the table

Josh: babe I'm so proud of everything and I'm so grateful for you

Y/n: Josh I love you you don't need to thank me for literally anything

Josh: ugh god your perfect

Y/n: Josh do we have to wait for the wedding

Josh: huh well our relationship is well different than normal peoples so who says we have to have a traditional wedding plus our wedding is in a little over a month and a lot of it is not planned

Y/n: what are you suggesting

I laughed at him

Josh: well my dad is ordained and this set up is pretty nice

Y/n: wait are you suggesting we get married right now

Josh: I mean yeah

Y/n: but what about J he would wanna be here

Josh: we get married now but we still have the wedding but we make a joke out of it but we still have the part to celebrate us

Y/n: I'm down also I brought your ring with me cause I don't like leaving it at home anymore so let me go get it

Josh: and I bought your ring here so I have it upstairs

Y/n: uh wait can we legally do this since I'm nit a Canadian citizen

he pulled out his phone and googled it and it said it's as good

Y/n: guess that answers my question

Josh: so let's go grab my family and the rings and get married

Y/n: holy shit

Josh: holy

he ran and got his family and his dad got everything to ordain us

Shelly: I'm so excited for you two and you guys are sure you don't wanna wait

Y/n: no I think we are good

Josh: yeah we are good

Shelly: okay

Y/n: hey Shelly will you uh walk me down the quote on quote isle

Shelly: I'd be honored y/n

Josh: Will can you be my best man

Will: of course

Y/n: and Liv right now you can be my maid of honor

Liv: I accept

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