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February 13, 2021

Y/n is still in LA, Josh is still in Canada. Y/n is supposed to fly back to Canada tomorrow but she's not sure because of everything that's going on with the cheating stuff. Unknown to her Josh is coming to surprise her cause he wanted to see her in person and Liv and his dad reassured him that they would take care of Shelly. Y/n is at sway just chilling with the boys and Josh is about to walk in.


Y/n: I still can't believe you got famous for looking the camera up and down

Kio: I genuinely can't believe it either

Griffin: mans a stud

we were sitting in Josh and Jadens room on the purple couch talking about how we each got famous

Y/n: well we all know how I got famous next

Griffin: woah not so fast

Y/n: fine I'm a clout chaser

Kio: well I wouldn't call you that

Josh: agreed

I quickly shot my head towards the door and there Josh was standing there and I slowly walked over to him confused

Y/n: Josh what

Josh: babe I came to see you

I hugged him but still was a little confused

Josh: are you not happy to see me

he kept me in the hug

Jaden: dude you kinda remember that you quote on quote cheated on her

Y/n: alright Jaden that's enough let me talk to Josh alone

Jaden: fine

Jaden, Griff and Kio all left the room

Josh: babe what's wrong

I started to tear up

Y/n: I don't know what the f*ck to believe right now

Josh: baby I would never cheat on you people just want f*cking money and clout

Y/n: I know I know you right and I believe you but did you get that Alexa girl to send you the whole convo

Josh: I did

he pulled up his phone and went to alexas text messages and pulled up the screenshot she sent him and I read them

Josh: she hooked up with Romi

Y/n: wait what

I laughed

Josh: so apparently they hooked up and she was saying it's was too bad that it was him instead of me

Y/n: well shit thank god

I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his torso

Y/n: I love you

Josh: I love you too

Y/n: now I wanna make a tiktok

Josh: what ever you want babe

he laughed at me



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