can we talk?

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February 8, 2021

Y/n and Josh had a pretty chill week nothing big happened, now it's Jadens birthday and Amy and John want to have a little get together at there house. Y/n and Josh agreed to go even thought they aren't really even on speaking terms with Amy and John and still aren't coming to the wedding.


Y/n: Mr. Richards are you ready to go

Josh: future Mrs. Richards indeed I am

I had been standing by the door and he walked over and gave me a kiss and he locked the door and we got in the car

Josh: Y/n do you ever think you'll be okay with you parents again or no cause I really don't wanna be the cause of it-

Y/n: Joshy baby it's not your fault it's more about how they decided to take Jaden's side and it really shows who they love more and also if they can't see that I'm happy and that I'm in love and have never been like this is my life

Josh: I love you

Y/n: I love you too

he grabbed my hand as he drove and then we got to my parents house

Y/n: hey J happy birthday

Jaden: hey glad you guys came thank you

he hugged me and sapped up Josh

Josh: I wouldn't miss it brother

Jaden: I know tensions are still high with Mom and Dad so I'm just glad

Y/n: I'm gonna try to talk to them but who knows what will happen

Josh: proud of you

Jaden: I've never said this before but Josh thank you for making her so happy like seriously I know the three of us have had our ups and downs through your relationship but there is no one else that would be so perfect to marry her so thank you man

Josh: your welcome man I love her to death so it's honestly nothing to special that I do

Y/n: shut up your amazing

Jaden: anyway me and Nessa are like actually dating if you couldn't tell or whatever

Josh: congrats man she's a great girl and you guys have common interests which is amazing

Jaden: thanks Josh I know how hard it is because of everything that happened with Chase

Josh: Jaden it's fine you let me be with the love of my life and now I want you to be happy and if that's with Nessa then I'm glad your with her

Jaden: thanks man

they hugged each other and Jaden went over to talk with some other people, it was a small gathering just the sway boys and a few family members

Y/n: I'm proud of you babe

Josh: nothing to be proud of just trying to be mature

Y/n: there is so much to be proud of with you Josh, your the perfect human being and you know that

Josh: cringe anyway

Y/n: shit we gotta post for J's birthday

Josh: damn your right



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