girls night

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I started driving and I was by myself just sitting in silence while driving all I could think about was Josh was he cheating on me? I thought he loved me, so many thoughts running through my mind and suddenly I was at Nessa's apartment, I honestly don't know how I got there I felt numb while driving but I was there so I got out and went inside

Nessa: hey girlie

Y/n: hey

I bursted into tears

Nessa: you don't deserve this you need to talk to him

Y/n: I know but then he'll see me as the jealous girlfriend

Nessa: who cares y/n if he thinks that this is for your own personal sanity do it for you

Y/n: your right

Nessa: if you want I can be here to defend you if you need after all I know how Josh argues

Y/n: yeah I'll call him now that's Ness

Nessa: anything for you my awkwardie

she hugs me

Y/n: here goes nothing

I FaceTimed Josh

Josh: hey baby

Y/n: hi

Josh: what's up

Y/n: are you by yourself right now cause I have something very important I need to talk to you about

Josh: yeah what's wrong

Y/n: so I'm just going to say it cause it's been kind of bothering me

Josh: yeah say it

Y/n: so I don't really care that you have friends do that are girls but like why didn't you tell me before you posted that picture like I would have been okay with it

Josh: well I didn't think you would care but obviously you do so

Y/n: well yeah I care because I love you and I don't want to lose you

Josh: obviously she's just a friend y/n like I love you so much but I guess you don't trust me

Y/n: you're really one to talk about trust Josh

Josh: whatever bye

he hung up and I was hysterically crying

Nessa: it's okay come here

she hugged me and I just cried

Nessa: how bout you stay here tonight okay

Y/n: okay

Nessa: it's going to be okay your strong and you have so many people that would be willing to beat Josh up with one text

I laughed

Y/n: it would make it so much easier if he was here and we could do this face to face

Nessa: I know it's hard

Y/n: and why did he just hang up I bet he's with her

Nessa: he doesn't deserve you

Y/n: thank you

Nessa: you want to watch a show

Y/n: yeah sure

we put on Greys Anatomy and I post on Instagram


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Liked by jadenhossler, nessabarrett and 34,234 more

tags: nessabarrett

y/n.hossler: girls are better than guys anyway

jadenhossler: call me please
| y/n.hossler: okay :)

y/nandjosh: what's going on

nessabarrett: strongest girlie ever
| joshyfan: wait what happened

caleb.rock: call me after Jaden please
| y/n.hossler: okay :)

madslewis: I don't know what's going on in that mind if yours but I love you ❤️🦋
| y/n.hossler: I love you too Mads I'll text you 😘

qgriggs: yo y/n come over tomorrow all the boys want to see you
| y/n.hossler: k I'll be there tomorrow

Comments limited

Me and Nessa decided to go to bed after I posted, the next morning I wake up and Nessa made breakfast for me

Y/n: you didn't have to this all for me

Nessa: yes I did you deserve it

Y/n: I love you

Nessa: I love you too

Nessa: we should do a awkwardies day without you know who

Y/n: you know you can say his name right

I laughed

Nessa: I know I just was trying to make it better

Y/n: it's okay I appreciate it after all I'm technically still dating him and I want to stay that way but we need to work some things out

Nessa: that's good y/n but know your worth I know Josh well he's a good guy but be careful

Y/n: always

we ate breakfast and I decided I was going to head over to Sway right now instead of calling the boys

Y/n: alright Ness I love you so much thank you for taking care of me I'm going to Sway you can come if you want

Nessa: um yeah I'll come we are having an awkwardie day

Y/n: oh yeah mind if Caleb comes

Nessa: oh yeah I love Caleb he's so nice

Y/n: wait you've met him

Nessa: I dated Josh you think he never brought me home

Y/n: sometimes I forget that you dated him

she laughed

Nessa: come on let's go

we get in the car and go to Sway

Jaden: y/n what's going on

Caleb: yeah what

suddenly all the boys were surrounded me and were asking so many questions


Jaden: okay chill

they all sit I mean all the boys

Y/n: me and Josh talked last night

Blake: and

Y/n: if you would let me finish

Blake: fine keep going

Y/n: we got in an argument and he hung up so I don't know where we stand

Jaden: awe I'm sorry

he hugged me and soon it turned it a group hug with all the boys

Y/n: I love all of you guys so much

The Boys: we love you too

Y/n: okay if you're and awkwardie we are hanging out today no questions asked oh and Caleb too

Noah: I'm down

Anthony same

Kio: hey what about the rest of us

Y/n: you guys aren't awkwardies sorry

Blake: whatever guys let's go

all the other boys left and I texted the Rach and Ellie to say we are going to have an awkwardie day and they agree so we all hop in my car cause it's big enough and we go to my apartment


Authors Note

So I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow but I'm going to try my hardest to so please don't come at me if it didn't happen

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