i'm the problem

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Y/n: wait what

Ellie: just close your eyes

I closed my eyes and Ellie but here hands over my eyes to make sure I wouldn't peak

Rachel: okay we are here

I opened my eyes and saw all of my stuff in my room

Ellie: so we know it's not set up but we wanted to leave that to you and we figured you have your hands full with Josh so we moved all your stuff here

Y/n: you guys I love you too thank you

I hugged them

Y/n: so I have a question

Ellie: yes

Y/n: if you let me make a quick call you may be able to come to Josh private beach but no promises

Rachel: ok go ahead and call Josh what are you waiting for

Y/n: jeez I'm calling

I called Josh

On the phone

Josh: hey baby

Y/n: hi babe how are you?

Josh: I'm actually really good Jaden left and I'm having some alone time I still miss you though

Y/n: awww I miss you too

Josh: come home soon

Y/n: yes I will but I have a question

Josh: yeah of course what's up

Y/n: can I invite the girls rob beach one day this week, I just want to make sure your okay before

Josh: yeah actually I love your friends and it would be nice to see them cause I honestly trust them and tell them to bring Ant and Noah

Y/n: Josh are you sure that's not too many people

Josh: Y/n you don't need to worry about me I'm a lot better and I trust all of those people fully my anxiety sparks from people I can't trust and when they betray me I fell alone even though I have everything I have ever wanted

Y/n: awww Josh I'm so happy your doing better I love you and I'll be home soon my love

Josh: ok baby love you too bye

Y/n: bye

end of call

Rachel: so???

Y/n: Josh is doing better and did you guys could come

Ellie: how about tomorrow

Rachel: that works for me

Y/n: yeah that's good

Ellie: I'll call Noah

She called him and he said him and Ant would come

Y/n: alright well let's do something

Ellie: you want to go to Sway

Rachel: that's cool with me

Y/n: I don't know

Ellie: why

Y/n: it won't help Josh

Rachel: Y/n stop thinking about Josh for once and think about yourself also just text him

Y/n: he trusts me so I guess it fine also I can do whatever I want but I still don't want to hurt him

Ellie: are we going?

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