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December 28, 2020

I woke up the next morning snuggled up with Josh who still had been sleeping I quietly snuck out of his grip and went downstairs no one was awake yet except Bear so I let her outside and then made everyone breakfast then shorty after the Richards started to wake up

Mike: good morning y/n

Y/n: good morning Mike help yourself to breakfast I'll be right back I'm just going to let Bear inside

Mike: okay thank you

I went and let Bear inside and when I came back Will and Liv were now downstairs

Liv: y/n you literally didn't have to do this it's so nice

Will: yeah but this bacon is delicious

he said while he held up a piece of bacon and I laughed

Liv: wheres Josh and Mom

Mike: Mom was getting ready when I left the room

Y/n: Josh was sound asleep when I left I had to wiggle my way out of his grip

Liv: awwwww you guys are the perfect relationship

Y/n: eh we have our ups and downs but when are we meeting your boyfriend huh

Liv: um I don't know I have been avoiding it at all costs you know

Y/n: yeah I get that I have a famous brother too

Liv: yours was definitely worse though I couldn't even imagine walking in with my brothers bestfriend and being like hey this is my boyfriend

Y/n: yeah well wait till Josh gets up and we will tell you the story in detail

I laughed

Liv: okay but I definitely think I'll get my boyfriend over here

Y/n: yay I want to meet him

Liv: I know I know

suddenly Josh walked down the stairs

Josh: we talking about Liv's boyfriend

Y/n: yeah

Josh: when will I meet the Bud

Liv: I don't know yet but I want you to meet him I guess

Josh: I guess I'm the best why wouldn't you want him to meet me

he smirked

Y/n: Josh quit it with your cocky ass

Liv: thank you y/n but anyway you are a little intimidating

Josh: I mean yeah but I promise I'll go easy on him and if I don't y/n will probably put me in my place so nothing to worry about

Liv: yeah true I guess I'll bring him to dinner tonight maybe we'll see

Josh's mom walked downstairs

Shelly: hey everyone

Will: hey mom

Shelly: who made breakfast

Y/n: me I hope you don't mind

I said nervously since I knew she kinda doesn't like me

Shelly: no it's completely fine thank you

Y/n: no problem

Josh looked at me and smiled

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