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Avengers Tower:

Tony entered the compound, running a stressed hand through his hair. He hadn't slept or eaten anything. He couldn't.

"Peter here yet?" He asked, trying to behave normally around Emily who was clearly having a rough day.

"In here!" Peter yelled from the office.

"He never left." Steve said "You guys came back last night and he never went home."

    "Nothing to go home to." Peter said, walking  "Aunt may and Happy are in Paris. Empty apartments freak me out so I'm not staying at mine."

"What about MJ?" Steve asked

"Human rights conference is Greenland."

"Didn't she go to Italy around this time last year?" Tony asked, trying to feel some normalcy.

"Yeah. I um. I went with her last year." He said twisting something, his hands behind his back "But there's more important stuff to do here."

Tony nodded, his mind going back to Pepper. It'd been a month. He was lost without her.  

    "I need Pepper." He whispered

"What's wrong with Pepper?" Steve asked

Tony's eyes darted between Steve and Emily.

"It's nothing." He lied

"Mr. Stark. It's been a month." Peter sighed "We need the help."

"It's been a month since what?" Emily asked, leaning forward to look at Tony.

  "Emily don't worry." He assured her

"Tony. It's been a month since what? What happened to Pepper?"

"Em. You don't need to stress."

She turned to Peter.

"Peter? It's been a month since what?"

"Peter don't say anything."

Emily raised an eyebrow. Peter sighed.

"Pepper got kidnapped by a bad guy and it's all my fault and now we can't find her and I feel terrible and I can't think straight and I haven't slept in three days cause all I can think about is finding her." He said quickly 

"What?!" River yelled as she entered the room "Pepper what kidnapped and you didn't tell us?"

"I thought I could handle it." Tony replied.

Bucky was holding her back from attacking her brother.

"You thought you could handle it?" She screeched "Your wife is missing and you thought it was a good idea to handle it by yourself?"

Tony sighed.

"You're getting married in two weeks, Em's pregnant, Nat's busy with the kids, everyone's waiting on Clint and Sam to get home tomorrow, it was just better if I did it myself."

River scoffed.

"Oh yes it's such a good idea to leave your pregnant sister out of the loop while her sister in law is in danger."

Bucky dropped his arms as River froze up, realizing what she said.

"Oh no." She whispered.

"His what sister?" Bucky asked

Tony put his hand over his chest and sat down.

"Well that was the last thing I needed to hear." He said quietly, acting as though he'd been slapped in the face.

Peter's phone rang.

"And on that note." He said, waving his phone.

"Hey Mj." He said,answering it.

His face fell.

"Was that Pepper?" He asked anxiously. 

Tony's head snapped up. Peter's hands shook as he put it on speaker phone.

  "Your adoptive mother and your wife?" Mysterio's voice taunted "You really should keep them closer."

"Mysterio...." Peter said slowly "I swear to god if you hurt them-"

"Save the idle threats Peter." Mysterio snapped "I have other plans. Reveal your secret or they die. All of them."

"All of them? What do you mean all-"

The phone clicked off. Peter slid down the wall.

"Did he say wife?" Tony asked quietly.

Peter nodded.

"We uh-we didn't want anyone to fuss over us or something like what happened at Emily and Steve's wedding to happen so we....eloped last year in venice." He said, showing them his wedding band.

"River's pregnant and you're married." Tony sighed "oh and a psychopath has both of our wives. Great. Any other secrets anyone wants to get off their chest?"

Steve stood up and looked around the room. Bucky was still frozen and Tony and Peter were even more stressed than before.

"Hey! We got an earlier flight out!" Sam's voice called as the door swung open

He caught sight of the room.

"What happened?" He asked.

Clint walked in beside him.

"Today or since you've been gone in general?" Emily asked.

"Lets start with today." Clint said

"Pepper was kidnapped a month ago and Tony didn't tell anyone. Peter and Mj eloped in Italy last year and told no one. Now both their wives are being held captive. Oh and River's pregnant and judging by his reaction didn't even tell Bucky until she blurted it out while arguing with Tony." She said "Forget anything?"

She looked to Steve who grabbed her hand and pulled her up from her seat.

"River and Emily are pregnant. Nice." Sam said

"Terrifying." Clint mumbled "wait, Peter and Tony's wives were kidnapped? By the same person?"

"You got married without Tony there?" Sam asked, shocked


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