Baby Rogers

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Hospital in New york:

Tony led the large group into the hospital, Morgan on his hip.

"We're here to see Emily Rogers'?" He said "She just had a baby."

"Fourth floor. Room 125." The nurse at the desk said.

They rushed towards the elevator.

  "I'm her uncle." Sam said, fighting with Clint to get in the elevator first "I get to see her first."

"We're all her uncles." Peter said with a laugh.

He stepped in behind Tony, holding MJ close. As though he was scared of losing her again. He put a gentle hand on Pepper's shoulder. A loving touch. Like a son to his mother. She looked back and gave him a soft smile before patting his hand gently. The guilt he felt subsided to glee and concern as the elevator doors opened on the fourth floor.

Bucky was waiting for them.

"She's gonna be in an incubator for about a week but oh my god she's beautiful." He said as he started walking

He was completely in love with his niece.

"What's her name?" Tony asked

"I'll let Steve tell you." He said before speeding up, in a hurry to get back to the baby's side.

They entered the hospital room and Bucky immediately gravitated to a small bed with a dome over it. The girls followed. Tony stepped over beside Pepper and gazed down at the small figure.

"She is beautiful." Tony said

Steve smiled at him from by Emily's bed.

  "She looks like a wrinkly potato." Morgan giggled.

"So did you." Peter teased, sticking his tongue out at the little girl

"Mature babe. Real mature." Mj chuckled

Steve laughed and walked over, taking Morgan from her father.

"Morgan, I'd like you to meet your god sister, Maria."

"God sister?" Pepper asked

"If Tony wants the job." Bucky said "I'm already uncle Bucky so..."

"Maria." Tony said slowly, his eyes filling with tears.

Steve smiled at him.

"Want the job?" He asked

Tony nodded slowly, suddenly not trusting his voice. He turned around and tackled Steve into a hug.

"It's okay daddy," Morgan comforted "Maria will love you 3000 too."

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