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Avengers Compound:

Steve and Emily stood with Bucky as they waved Peter and Tony off.

"We're here if you need us." Bucky offered

Tony gave a stiff nod. He didn't know how to be cordial right now. He was angry at Bucky.

Steve gave him a nod. Tony smiled and leaned towards Emily and River. He kissed both of their cheeks and placed gentle hands on their stomachs.

"Love you both." He said before nodding to Steve with a smile

He patted Peter's back and pulled him towards the plane.

Bucky sucked his teeth.

"That went well." He said

  "Well I did kind of scream 'I'm pregnant' at him." River said awkwardly.

"Yeah. About that." He said "When exactly were you going to tell me?"

Thunder rolled above their heads and Emily flinched. She hated storms.

"I...I don't know." River said "I was scared to."

Bucky laughed as rain started falling. Steve pulled Emily into the building. River grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him towards the building as well. They were all soaked by time they reached the door. Lightning cracked as the front door shut behind them.

Bucky gave Steve a look and Steve nodded. He and Emily stepped out of the hall.

Bucky turned back to River, smiling gently. He pulled her to his chest, kissing the top of her head before stepping back from her.

"Never," He said "Be afraid to tell me anything. Especially something as amazing as this."

River smiled softly.

"Riv." He continued softly "I love you. I love waking up next to you. I love hearing your voice in the morning. I love-"

He took a deep breath.

"I love the idea of having a family with you."

River was holding back tears as Bucky dropped to his knees. He kissed her stomach softly, running gentle fingers over it. He placed his forehead gently against where his lips had just rested.

  "I love you. I love this child." He whispered before standing and wiping away the few stray tears on his fiance's face. "I can't wait to meet them."

She laughed quietly, laying her head on his chest.

"I love you too." She said

A clap of thunder sounded off and Bucky heard whirring to slow down throughout the building.

"Buck!" Steve called out as the power went out.

"Still here!" He called back, pulling River to him protectively.

Emily came into the hall with a candle. She handed it to River.

  "The generators should kick on anytime now." She said

"No." River said "Tony took them out of the building. The new ones won't be in for another week."

Emily sighed.

"Then we wait." Bucky said, walking the girls into the common area.

Emily winced, leaning on the counter for stability. Steve's head shot up at the sound.

"Em?" He asked

"I'm fine." She assured

"You sure?" Bucky asked

River was watching her closely.

"How long?" She asked as Emily winced again.

"What?" Steve asked

"How long has she been wincing?" She asked "Today."

"Riv, it's just cramps." Emily defended "Its too early..."

"Since we got in the car this morning." Steve answered

"Em?" River asked "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine!" She ground out as she winced again.

    "Get her to a bed. Now." River ordered. "call for an ambulance."

Bucky pulled out his phone.

"No signal."

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