Missing you.

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It'd been a year since the proposal. Between helping River plan a wedding and Steve and Bucky being obsessed with ending HYDRA, Emily never saw Steve. It was becoming irritating.

She heard the door shut and ran down the stairs.

"Baby!" She squealed, jumping into Steve's arms.

He laughed, catching her. She kissed him urgently, as though he'd be leaving any minute.

"Miss me?" He chuckled

"So much." She laughed

She jumped out of his arms.

"I made dinner." She said

"I was supposed to do that." He said

"I know. So I made dinner."

He laughed as she led him to the kitchen. They ate quietly.

"Any plans tomorrow?" She asked

"Bucky and I were going to-"

She groaned.

"What?" He asked

"Sometimes I wonder if you married me or Bucky." She sighed "I'd like to spend some time together."

"We do spend time together."

"Not enough. This is the first time we've eaten dinner together in 3 months and don't get me started on-"

He moved to the other side of the table quickly. Kissing her, he pulled her out of her chair.

"I want to spend time with you." He said, peppering her with kisses. "but I want to know you're safe."

Her mind had gone blank with his touch.

"You might wanna sto-"

He nipped her neck.

"And trust me." He whispered "I miss you too."

She melted into him as he pulled her to his chest, lifting her up onto his waist.  

"Then don't leave." She said quietly as he rubbed her back.

He laughed when she hummed.

  "We're not finishing dinner are we?" He chuckled.

She shook her head, burying her face into his neck. He sighed as she adjusted her body against his. 

   "Upstairs." She whispered.

Steve smirked and threw her over his shoulder.

  "Steve!" She laughed

"Easier to run like this."

He ran up the stairs and into their bedroom, kicking the door shut.


Bucky leaned against the counter in Tony's kitchen. He was on the phone.

  "Still not answering?" Tony asked, leaning against a wall.

  "I'm gonna kill him." Bucky whispered

  "Awe. Is your boyfriend not answering your calls?" River teased.

Bucky rolled his eyes and shot her a smile while he hit call again.

Still no answer.

  "That's it." Bucky said "I'm going to their house."


Sun peaked through the curtains, hitting Steve in the eyes. Emily giggled as he rolled over, throwing his arm over her.

"We have to get up." She laughed.

It'd been a month since their little "argument".

   "No. Mine." Steve mumbled pulling her closer.

"We're supposed to be at Tony's." She squealed as he started tickling her

The front door slammed. 

"Steve!" Bucky's voice yelled "You have a phone for a reason!"

Bucky's footsteps could be heard on the stairs before the doorknob jiggled.

  "You don't want to do that!" Emily called out.

The door stopped.

Emily threw on a pair of jeans and a red sweater before lacing up her boots.

   "You're good!" Steve yelled, pulling on his jeans.

Bucky opened the door.

  "That is the third time someone has almost walked in on you." He laughed

  "Maybe learn the art of knocking." Emily said

"Maybe don't screw like rabbits." River called from the hallway.

  "Baby's don't make themselves." Emily said, poking her head out the door.

River laughed as Bucky went pale.

"Why do you say these things?" Bucky groaned

"To shut you up." She said, grabbing her jacket and walking out to the car.

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