November 6, 1945

14.3K 306 16

A week after the plane:

"Miss Barnes?" A nurse said from the doorway of a hospital room. "you have a visitor."

"Who?" She asked.

The only person she wanted to see was dead.

"Howard Stark."

Emily's eyes widened. She nodded, gesturing for him to be let in.

"How are you?" He asked as he entered the room.

His eyes were soft, tired looking.

"I'll be okay." She whimpered "how are you?"

"I'm fine." He lied

"You haven't been sleeping." She observed

He ran his hands through his hair, the same way his future son would.

   "I've been looking for the plane." He admitted. "Steve deserves a proper funeral."

She nodded in agreement. She was holding back tears.

     "How do you feel?" He asked "Any pain?"

"Not physical." She said

She started to cry.

"Oh god, he'd hate me." She cried "He'd never forgive me. I killed his baby."

Howard rushed to her side.

  "That's not true." He insisted

He held the girl close.

"Steve wouldn't blame you."

"Yes he would." She argued.

Howard sighed. He rocked her.

"Its not your fault." He whispered

He took a deep breath.

"Its not your fault." He repeated "the pain of losing Steve and James was just...too much. It hurt too bad. It nearly killed you. If course it'd be too hard on s baby."

She cried harder.

"And that was not the right thing to say." He sighed.


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