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         A month after the hydra attack:

Steve dove onto Emily's bed like an excited kid on christmas. 

   "Steven!" Emily yelled, annoyed at being woken up this way.

He smiled at his own childishness, crawling up farther on the bed. He hovered over her.

"I have a surprise for you." He whispered before kissing her deeply.

She followed his lips needily as he pulled away. They hadn't had sex since she'd been taken. She'd have settled for the smallest bit of intimacy at that point. She grumbled about being woken up for nonsense.

  " this better be one hell of a surprise." She whined.

"You'll love it." He assured her.

"I hope." He thought

She smiled slightly.

"I better " she joked.

She dressed quickly. Steve urging her to make sure she was warm all the while. She kissed him to shut him up and he had to stop himself from taking it too far. She wasn't the only one feeling a little...deprived.

  "Ready?" She asked

He nodded, taking her hand.

"Let's go!" He led her out of the compound and they hopped on his bike.


"Where are we going?" She asked as they walked down a main street in New York.

"You'll see."

"Can I get a hint?"

"Nope." He laughed.


He stopped suddenly, checked his pocket for something and smiled.

"Close your eyes." He said

She hesitated but obeyed after earning a stern look from Steve.

  He led her up a set of stairs. She heard a door creak and was greeted with warm air. He led her inside and stopped. He walked behind her.

"Open your eyes." He said

She did so and saw the inside of a house. She gasped

"Welcome home." He said

"This is ours?" She asked still not turning around. 


"Steve." She said happily

"There's one more thing." He said


"Turn around."

She turned to see Steve kneeling on the ground. He reached in his pocket and pulled over a small black box.

"You've always loved this ring." He said "So I thought it was only fitting that."

He opened the box to reveal his mother's blue sapphire ring

"I use it to ask you to marry me."

Tears were welling up in her eyes.

"Steve." She whimpered

"What do you say? Will you be my wife Miss Barnes?" He asked

    She started to cry and held out her hand.

"Is that a yes."

"Yes." She laughed through her tears. "Yes I'll marry you."

He slipped the ring on her finger and stood, wrapping his arms around her.

"I get to marry you." He laughed.

She tried to stand on her toes to kiss him but was too short.

  "Wanna go share the news?" He asked

She nodded. 


Steve and Emily entered the compound and everyone turned to them.

"Where have you been?" Nat asked "you weren't answering your phone. It's been hours!"

Steve gave her a look of amusement.

"My phone was dead." He laughed "And we're safe so stop panicking."

    Bucky was leaning on the door frame behind the other heroes.

"Doesn't answer where you've been."

"Yeah Steve. Tell them where you've been." Bucky teased. "I mean unless she said no. I know I would."

He smiled widely as he caught sight of the ring on his sister's hand.

"Said no?" Bruce asked

Steve laced his fingers through Emily's and lifted her hand.

"If you have to know, I was busy asking Emily to marry me." He said "and she said yes."

Pepper rushed from around the counter and embraced the two of them.

  "Oh! Congratulations." She squealed.

Clint smiled.

"Perfect." He said

River ducked under Bucky's arm and ran for Emily.

  "I'm happy for you!" She said, embracing her boyfriend's sister.

  Emily hugged her back.

"Keep her." She mouthed to her brother.
Bucky laughed.

"We have a wedding to plan then don't we?" Tony said happily.

"We?" Steve asked

"You think I'm gonna let you do all of that work by yourself?" Tony laughed.


Not far away from new york, someone was sitting quietly in a dark room, staring at newspaper clippings of Emily and River AKA "The Barnes girls".  a knife flew across the room and hit River's image in the throat.

   "You'll learn soon enough." A woman purred.

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