beg for me (smut)

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💥💥SMUT. (Might be a little much so skip if sex makes you uncomfortable) 💥💥

Steve entered Emily's room just as she was getting out of the shower. He ran up to her and pulled her still naked body close. She laughed.

"What are you-" she was interrupted by him going straight for her neck. 

She moaned. He tore the towel away from her body and grabbed her breast. She sighed and began undressing him.

"These are in the way." She gasped as he slipped his fingers inside her.

She fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as he fingered her. Her vision was going blurry.

"Steve I can't see." She gasped

He started moving his fingers faster. She bit her lip. She could feel herself getting closer and gave up on the shirt, gripping his shoulders.

  "Steve." She moaned as she arched her back.

"Tell me what you want." He whispered

He kept going.

"Fu-" she couldn't stop moaning long enough to say it.

"I can't hear you." He teased

He knew what he was doing. She tried to say it again and again but couldn't manage. He brought her to the edge and stopped.

"Tell me what you want." He said again, wrapping her hair around his fingers.

She worked his belt off and started to take off his pants. He backed her up against the wall and pinned her hands above her head.

"Tell me what you want." He growled.

She started to shake.

"Fuck me." She whispered.

"Manners." He whispered in her ear, placing teasing little kisses on her neck

"Please." She moaned "fuck me please."

He slammed her body back against the wall and held her wrists with one arm as he took his pants off. He dropped her arms as he worked on his shirt. He went back to her neck. She melted against his naked body.

"Please." She begged.

He growled and lifted her little body up off the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he ran his fingers up her sides. He started to nibble on her neck working his way down to her breasts.

"Please." She begged again.

He began sucking on her breast.

"Fuck! Steve please!" She begged, throwing her head back.

He growled playfully and threw her on the bed. She was shaking uncontrollably now. He lined himself up and began to tease her. Her back arched. He couldn't take it any more. Watching her squirm was too much. He gently slid in her and felt her cum. He bent over her and began sucking on her neck as he thrusted.

"Don't stop." She moaned "oh god. Don't stop."

The faster he moved the louder she got.

"Steve!" She screamed over and over

He'd left a line of hickies over her body. As they both started to get tired, he strokes and his kisses got sloppy and desperate. She was a moaning mess. Her breath hitched.

"Right there." She gasped "Don't stop."

He hit the same spot over and over, watching as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her whole body tensed up and he smiled proudly as she wrapped her fingers in the sheets. She stuttered trying to say his name as he kept going. Towards the end of her orgasm the stutters turned into loud, desperate moans. He collapsed on top of her as he came.

"Enjoy yourself?" He teased

She nodded, unable to speak. He kissed her gently.

"You sure your okay?" He asked, noticing the bruises forming on her sides.

His fingers matched them perfectly. He suddenly felt guilty. Sometimes he forgot how strong he was.

  "I'm fine." She assured him "That was..."

She moaned quietly at the thought of it. He laughed, laying beside her.

"I love you." He said, pulling her close.

She laid her head on his chest.

"I love you too." She whispered, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat

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