Crash landing.

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A/N: this story ignores the events of endgame. Tony and Nat aren't dead.

Present day:

Bucky marched into the compound where the team was having breakfast together, a weekly tradition. He turned on the news.

"Good morning to you too." Nat said, her brows furrowed "every thing okay."

Steve snorted.

"River's mad at him again." He said quietly.

"Shut up Steve." Tony said, jabbing him in the ribs. "This is serious."

He smirked. Nat rolled her eyes. Tony could never be serious.

"What happened? You break her wrist in bed again." He teased

Steve choked on his orange juice.

"You did what?!" Clint asked, falling off of the counter laughing.

"There is a *child* present." Wanda scolded, pointing to peter.

"I'm 22." Peter mumbled

"No." Bucky growled. "I told her we couldn't get a dog."

"But why?" Peter asked, appalled

"The girl has THREE!" Bucky yelled.

The tv caught his eye, he turned it up.

"A helicopter has crashed in central park. Thankfully no one was harmed." Said the news anchor "wait a minute? It appears there is a young girl running from the wreckage."

The camera zoomed in on the girl.

"Heh. She looks like Emily." Bucky said

Steve knocked his glass over.

"Shoot!" He whispered sharply.

He was clearly frazzled as he cleaned the mess up. Natasha raised her eyebrow.

"Emily?" She asked

"Yeah. My sister." Bucky said absent mindedly

Natasha's eyes widened and Clint turned his back to the rest of the team.

"Something you three wanna share?" Tony asked, picking up on their behaviour.

"Nope." Steve said, taking his plate to the sink "Gotta go. Bye."

He took off out the door. They could hear the roar of his bike as he drove off. Tony turned to Natasha. She sighed.

"Emily Barnes was kidnapped by Hydra in 1945." She said quietly.

"Emily was what!" Bucky yelled jumping from his chair.

He began pacing.

"That...that can't be true."

His eyes floated to the tv.

"Can we go to the crash site?" He asked "just to make sure it's not her."

Natasha nodded.

"I'll go with you." She said

Tony began to protest, earning a look from Wanda.

"Fine." He said "let's go."

The team left the compound.

When they arrived at the crash site Bucky began walking around the wreckage. Something caught his eyes. As he picked it up, his knees hit the ground. It was a green US army ribbon.

   "Is it really her?" Steve's voice asked from behind him.

Bucky looked back and showed him the ribbon.

"Emily." Steve sighed.

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