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River collapsed on the bed, smiling. She was engaged and to someone she didn't deserve.

    "Babygirl." Bucky practically sang, entering her room. "I brought food."

"Chicken nuggets?" She asked, sitting up.

  He laughed.

"Yes. Chicken nuggets."

  She let out and uncharacteristic squeal. He tossed her the bag and sat down next to her. She started eating happily. He started kissing on her and pulling her closer.

"Mm. Baby," she whispered "I love you but I'm eating and will stab you over a chicken nugget."

He laughed and took the bag away.

  "Try it." He whispered playfully, attacking her neck.

  She laughed.

"Are you serious?" She asked

"Completely. Try to stab me. I dare you."

She laughed. He kept kissing on her and teasing her. She grabbed her blade from her boot and swung it towards his arm. He blocked it with one hand, disarming her and moving his mouth to her lips.

  "I like a challenge." She laughed against his kiss.

   "You're insane." He chuckled, pulling her closer.

She melted into his arms.

"You love my crazy." She responded

He slipped his hands under her shirt, pressing them flat against her back.

A knock came at the door.

"Buck," Steve's voice said "meeting."

River groaned.

"I'm gonna kill him." Bucky whispered


After the meeting, everyone was in the kitchen. Emily and River were sitting on the couch talking quietly.

Tony entered the room and River glanced at Bucky who opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again.

  "Need something Barnes?" Tony asked.

"No. Just thinking about one of your dad's early inventions." He lied


Bucky started rambling about Howard's floating car. Emily giggled as she noticed Tony start to zone out.  River brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and the light reflected off of her ring. It caught Clint's eyes.

"Hey where'd River get that new ring?" He asked "The silver one."

   Steve smirked.

"Hey Buck, wasn't I with you when you bought that one?"

"What. Ring?" Tony asked, his face turning red

"Both of you shut up. Now." Bucky said

"You bought a ring for my sister?' Tony asked "Without telling me?"

"Mister Stark?" Peter said "You're turning purple."

River and Emily were laughing.

"You proposed to my sister?" He asked before turning to River "and you said yes?"

Bucky started drinking his water quickly. She composed herself.

"Technically I said okay."

If it were possible, Tony would have turned even redder.

"You're joking?"

"Would you rather me be engaged or pregnant?" She asked

Bucky choked. He paled, looking sick.

"Mr. Stark, your heart rate has become dangerously fast." Said FRIDAY

"don't do that to me." Tony said

   "Tony. Get over it. I'm not a kid anymore." She snapped

  "You will always be my kid sister." He said

"A good big brother would be happy for their little sister."

"I am. Just...also terrified. Why would you marry an avenger?"

Bucky's head popped up.

"Did you just call me an avenger?"

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