noise complaints

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Steve made his way into the kitchen just as Tony and Bucky were arriving. He was painfully aware of the scratches and bruises on his arms from Emily. He waved to Nat as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

   "Morning." He yawned

Wanda glared at him.

"Next time you're gonna stay up all night, don't keep everyone else up too." She said sleepily

"Agreed." Nat said, smirking.

Tony looked between the three of them.


Steve blushed.

"I could hear them down the hall." Nat said.

  "I share a wall with Emily...imagine how I feel." Wanda yawned

   "I'm still so confused." Tony laughed

Wanda rolled her eyes.

    "Tony, let's just say no one should say God that much unless they're praying."

Steve choked on his coffee.

  "She wasn't that loud." He laughed, not noticing Bucky.

    "again, I could hear her down the hall." Nat said

"I don't need to hear this!" Bucky said loudly

    "We're not being graphic." Wanda laughed "at least we know who to ask if we ever forget Steve's name."

   "Again! Don't need to hear this."

Tony laughed at Bucky's reaction.

      "We're just teasing Cap." He chuckled

"I don't need to imagine my sister screaming my best friend's name through the compound though." He groaned.

    Emily wandered into the kitchen and smiled.

   "Then don't." Steve laughed

He hooked his arm around Emily's waist and pulled her in for a kiss as she came towards him. She winced at the pressure on her sides. He gave her a concerned look.

   "Bruises." She mouthed.

He made a guilty face. He'd forgotten about the bruises. He picked her up by her waist and sat her on the counter, pulling her in for a kiss that way.

  "Did she just mouth 'bruises'?" Clint asked

He was bad at reading a room.

Steve looked at him, shocked.

"I'm deaf. I read lips." He shrugged.

Steve shook his head.

"Not the time to do that." He whispered.

    "Why does she have bruises?" Tony laughed.

Emily laughed with him and put Steve's hands on her sides, lining them up with the bruises. Steve's face turned bright red.

  "Someone forgot how strong he is." She said to Tony.

Tony shook his head as though in disappointment. Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "Steve, please don't bruise my sister." He said "and can we change the subject now?"

He was visibly trying to stop himself from killing Steve. Always the protective older brother.

  "Oh like they've never had to deal with you and River being noisy?" Emily teased.

"No actually. They haven't.." He said

"Bullshit." Peter said as he walked past Bucky.

"What?" Bucky asked

"The compound wasn't empty that night." Peter teased. "didn't know River was a soprano."

It was Tony's turn to choke.

"Peter!" He tried to scold.

Steve was laughing. Bucky threw a pillow at him, which he caught easily. Emily was watching his face. Admiring the lips that had told her he loved her last night. She grabbed his face and pulled him in for another kiss.

    "Can I speak to you for a minute?" She asked softly

He smiled at her and picked her up, carrying her from the room.

   "Yes beautiful?"

She blushed 

"You told me you love me last night.." She said

"I know I did." He said "and I meant it."


"I swear."

He kissed her and put her down.

"Now come on. Let's go torment Bucky." He joked.

She laughed and ran ahead of him.

  "I'm gonna marry her one day." He thought to himself.


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