sapphires and chains.

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         💥TW: Implied  assault💥

Steve sat on a bench in the yard of the compound. He held a small black box in his hand.

  "Cap?" Tony asked, coming out to the yard.

    Steve snapped the box shut.

   "What's that?" He asked

Steve slipped the box into his pocket.

"Nothing." He sniffed.

His face was red and puffy.

"We'll get her back." Tony promised.

"How?" He asked

"I don't know." He said "But we will..we always do."

"I can't lose her Tony." He whispered

He was afraid if he spoke any louder his voice would fail him.

"She's all I've ever wanted."

"I know."

Steve put his head down.

    "It should be illegal to love someone this much." He said "Being away from her, it's killing me."

"I've been there." Tony said

    Steve pulled the box back out of his pocket and opened it. A stunning ring set with a blue sapphire sat inside it.

  "That's beautiful." Tony said

"It was my mother's." Steve said "Em always loved it."

He sighed.

"I was gonna ask for Bucky's blessing tonight."

If he'd have turned back, he would have noticed his best friend standing under an archway but he didn't.

"I know he's not completely okay with us being together but.."

Steve started to cry again

"Now that I have her back...i can't imagine a life without her." He said "I need her back."

"And we'll get her back."

Bucky decided now was the time to interrupt.

"Peter found where they're keeping her." He said as he walked towards the two men.

Steve hurriedly stuck the ring back in his pocket.

   "He did?"

He stood running inside. River sat on the couch flipping her knife over and over.  She spotted Steve.

  "Steve, I'm so sorry. I should have gotten her out of the building!" She began

"River don't.  They knocked us all out." He said "It's not your fault."

He ran his finger along the felt box in his pocket.

      "Let's go get her." He said

"No. We can't just bust in there with no plan."

"If it was Pepper you would." River argued.

"Riv, that's different."

"Like hell it is!"

The siblings began to argue.

"Where is she?" Natasha said, interrupting them.

  "Camp Lehigh." Peter replied

Steve groaned.

"Of course she is." He said "They're not very original are they?"

Bucky shook his head.

"We can get in there. No problem." Bucky said


"We trained there. Leave it to us." He said

They loaded onto one of Tony's planes and set off.

"You'll want to land in the trees out of sight." Steve said


Emily sat tied up on the cold, dirty floor of an old barracks building.

"Your Captain Rogers spent quite a bit of time here. Didn't he?" The agent teased in Russian.

  "Don't talk about Steve." She spat back in the same tongue.

"Oooh. Fiery little one aren't we?" The agent teased

She spit at him. He grabbed her by her throat and jacked her up against the wall.

   "I have strict orders not to kill you." The agent hissed "But little spider...that doesn't mean I can't hurt you."

"You better hope my brother kills you before I do." She bit back "I won't be so quick about it."

    The agent threw her across the room. She hit the floor. Hard. She cried out.

"I'm not through with you." He growled threateningly as he kneeled over her.

     "Go ahead. Nothing you haven't already done." She gasped out.

He slapped her hard.

"You know the reason you force women?" She taunted "it's because you're too much of a pussy for any woman to consent to being with you."

He punched her and began attempting to remove her clothes.

"Dimitri!" A female voice called from the doorway "Get off of her."

A tall blonde woman stalked over to him. She glared down at him and struck him across the face, knocking him to the floor.

  "Only scum would harm a woman like that." She spat.

Emily was gasping for air and attempting to hide the hot tears running down her face.

   "Do not taunt him." The woman warned, revealing a scar on her own side "he is not one to tolerate jabs at his manhood."

She grabbed the man, Dimitri and dragged him from the room.

"He will guard from outside." She informed Emily.

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