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Present day:

Steve and Bucky sat against a wall outside a hospital room.

   "Barnes?" A doctor said from the doorway

The two men stood up.

"How is she?" Bucky asked.

"We got the glass out and stitched her up but..." The doctor hesitated for a moment. "she has significant scars. What happened to her?"

"Hydra." Steve said "They've had her since the early 40s."

The doctor nodded. He was used to strange things. After all, he worked for shield. He walked off.

Bucky inched his way into the room and Steve leaned in the doorway. Emily turned her head to them. She could smell Steve's cologne.

"Hey." Steve said with a smile

She smiled awkwardly.

"Hey." She said "Doctor said I could go. As long as I'm with you two."

He nodded.

"Need some help?"

She reached for her brother, still not making complete eye contact with either of them. Bucky leaned forward, taking her hand.

When they returned to the compound, Tony sat down in the conference room with Bucky and Emily.

  "How much do you remember from your time with Hydra? Or before?" He asked

"Not much." She admitted.

"How did you escape."

"They let me out of my chamber. There's not many of them left. I spent two weeks building a relationship with one of them, they let me outside and I ran for it." She said

Bucky watched her face.

"She's telling the truth." He said "I can always tell when she's lying."

    Emily gave him a look. Tony nodded.

"I have a machine that can help you remember." Tony said "I took a few nodules up to your head and show you images and your memories will pop up on a screen. You up for it?"

  She nodded.

"We can try.." She said.

He smiled.

"Alright. Anything or anyone makes you uncomfortable, you tell me." Tony said "You're James' family. That makes you our family."

She nodded as he led her to the lab.

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