June 12, 1941

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         A week after the program:

Emily leaned against a wall outside a malt shop. She smiled as a tall blonde man walked towards her.

   "You're so short." Steve teased.

"I'm not short, you're just tall." She laughed.

He looked around before pulling her into the alley.

   "I'm the perfect height." He said

"For what?"

He smiled, picking her up and holding her against the wall. He kissed her passionately.

   "That." He said as Emily broke the kiss.

She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Lets go to my house." He said, pulling her through the alleys.

Finally they reached his small house. She smiled as he opened the door and led her inside.

   "Hungry?" He asked.

"No." She said sweetly.

She was admiring him.


"The uniform. It suits you."

He smiled.

"Really. You like the uniform. That's the only new thing you like?"

"There might be a few other things." She laughed.

He growled quietly, picking her up and putting her on the kitchen counter. She immediately began tracing his muscles.

   "I thought so." He whispered in her ear

    She hummed as he traced her spine.

  "Steve." She said in a sing song voice "You're playing a dangerous game."

  "I don't think I'm the one in danger here." He whispered playfully as he pushed the skirt of her dress up.

She sighed as he grabbed her thigh and wrapped her legs around his waist. He thrusted into her. She moaned into his ear causing him to grip her waist. 

    "Tease." She whispered as she nibbled on his neck.

He laughed and carried her to his bedroom as he undid her tight ponytail.

  This wasn't the first or the last time they'd sleep together.

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