Barnes residence.

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💥maybe smut💥

Bucky's apartment. Two weeks after the wedding:

River squealed, running down the hall, Bucky hot on her trail.

   "Come back here!" He laughed.

"Catch me." She teased.

She ducked around the corner and disappeared.

"Princess?" He asked, looking around the corner.

"Not very observant, are we Sergeant?" She taunted, sitting on a rafter

  "Get down here." He laughed.

She grabbed a pole and twirled down it, hanging from it by her arm. He gave her s playful look and snatched her up by her waist.

   "Caught you." He laughed.

"That you did." She giggled.

He was breathing heavy from chasing her. He admired her lips before crashing into them with his own with no warning. She melted against him, kissing him back needily.

  "Riv." He whispered "slow down."

"Never." She replied, her fingers snaking up into his hair.

   "River." He said sternly.

She'd never behaved like this before.

  "Calm down."

"But i-i-"

  He sighed, pinning her against a wall and kissing her again.

"Breathe." He said "I'm not going anywhere."

He trailed kisses down her body as she dissolved into a needy, desperate mess.

"James." She whispered softly

He ran a hand up to her throat and squeezed gently. She moaned, gripping his wrist.

    "More." She begged.

He smiled, eyeing her body like a lion does his prey. Throwing her over his shoulder, he walked back to the bedroom. He slammed the door.

There was a loud thud as though something hit the wall.

  "James!" River's voice called from the room.


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