The perfect man.

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Steve, Tony, Clint and Peter had left on a mission, leaving Emily, Nat and River with Bruce and Bucky. Bruce was in his lab while the other four sat in the common area.

  River was playing with Bucky's long hair.

  "Maybe you should trim it." She mused

"No!" Bucky said, appalled "I like it."

"Just a trim." River assured him.

"You know there was a time when my brother didn't look like a mop." Emily said quietly "I've always thought men looked better well groomed."

  "That's been made obvious." Nat laughed

   "What's that supposed to mean?" 

  "You're married to America's golden boy. He's the epitome of perfect men."

   "He's not perfect." Bucky laughed "Trust me."

"Oh really?" Emily said "know something I don't?"

"He's a soldier and you think he's perfect?" Bucky joked "Steve Rogers was the most foul mouthed, angry soldier in the field. Do you know how many times he screamed 'fucking Nazi's' a day?"

Emily laughed.

"Oh I know he's foul mouthed." She said "but at least *he* never got girls' names mixed up."

"That was ONE time." Bucky defended.

"Dot and Alison didn't even look alike! They were in no way similar." She laughed "and you'd known Alison for 12 years!"

  "Who's Alison?" River asked

"Steve's cousin. His *favorite* cousin." Emily explained "Which is why I don't take any of Bucky's protective brother act seriously."

Bucky huffed.

"Did you ever tell him by the way?"

"Tell who what?"

"Steve. That you were screwing Alison."

"No. I didn't."

She nodded.

"Good to know."

"You're gonna use that to your advantage aren't you?" River whispered.


The girls all laughed. Emily's mind drifted to Brooklyn. Nat and River's laughter became distant. Was their childhood home still intact? Where were their photos? Did ma's wedding dress end up in some thrift shop?

  "I'm gonna go to bed." She said quietly, getting up and leaving the room.


Emily made her way down to the sub level and found the keys to Steve's bike. She sped out of the compound and towards the bridge.

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