Revenge and jealousy.

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Two weeks after the attack:

Steve pushed open the door to their home and carried Emily upstairs.

  "I can walk you know." She said

"I know you can." He said. "doesn't mean you should."

He kissed the top of her head as he kicked their bedroom door open.

"I'm sure you want to shower." He said, sitting her on the bed and walking over to the dresser.

  "River and Nat are gonna come sit with you." He said as he walked with her to the shower. "I've got to go to the compound."

"Why?" She asked over the running water

"I just have some work to do. Nothing bad. I promise." He said with a weak smile.

He leaned against the door frame as she bathed. He felt a twinge of guilt.  He still hadn't told her the extent of what happened. He couldn't find the words.

  "Steve? Em?" River called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Up here!" Steve replied, going to Stand at the top of the stairs.

River, who Bucky had apparently told about the baby ran up the stairs, pulling Steve into a tight hug.

  "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

He smiled, returning the hug.

"Its okay." He replied "We'll take them down this time. For good."

She nodded.

  "I love you and Em. But I'm not walking up those stairs." Nat said, holding her ever growing stomach.

Steve smiled, ignoring the twinge of jealousy he felt towards Clint and Natasha and walked down the stairs.

  "How is she?" He asked, realizing he hasn't asked.

"They're both doing just fine." Natasha said

"Both?" He laughed "You're having twins?"

She nodded.

"I'm happy for you." He said

Being happy for anyone right now felt like swallowing acid.

   "I'm gonna go to the compound." He said "Call me if any of you need anything."

He left for the compound.


Steve entered the compound looking much like a soldier on a mission but as soon as he passed through the front doors, that appearance melted away. He was tired, hurt, stressed and angry.

"Please tell me we've found something. Anything." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Found hydra agents on the coast." Clint said, not looking up from the computer. "Two shield agents are tracking them. Sending us hourly reports. We're trying to find the cell."

He nodded.

  "When we do, I want to be on the team that goes in." Steve said

"Do you really think that's wise?" Tony said

Bucky shook his head.

"Stark..let him do it." He sighed "He needs this. Trust me."

"What he needs is to be with his wife." Tony said "I've been down the angry, vengeful husband route. It gets you nowhere."

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