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Peter kicked his way through the window of an abandoned building and came face to face with Mysterio.

"Where are they?" He growled.

Mysterio waved his hand. Peter heard a magnetic lock click and a door slid open, revealing Pepper and MJ tied up.

"Reveal your secret." Mysterio ordered


"Value your wife's life that little?"

Peter flung a web that wasn't a web at all, throwing Mysterio across the room with it.

"Let them go! They have nothing to do with this!"

"Oh. But they have everything to do with this. They make you strong. I take them, I weaken you."

He dove at him, hoping to injure or possibly kill him. He kept Mysterio preoccupied for a few minutes until Mysterio threw him backwards, a smile on his face.

"Still impulsive. Stupid."

"Smarter than." Peter replied "And not alone."


The sound of something charging up behind him alerted Mysterio and he turned around, coming face to face with Iron man.

"Let my wife and daughter in law go, and you can keep your face. What do ya say?"


Avengers Compound:

Emily protested as River attached monitors to both her and her bump. She'd found a small generator, just large enough to power the machines she needed.

"I'm not in labor." She argued between winces. "it's too early. I-"

"According to both your vitals and the contractions you're having, you are." River replied

Emily breathed deeply. Fear started to wash over her. She was only 32 weeks. It was too early. Steve walked around Bucky and slipped his hand into Emily's. He tried to ignore the sound of the howling wind outside.

"It'll be okay." He promised.

She nodded before pressed her head into the pillow.

  "That would be a contraction." River said quietly as she nervously watched the frequency of the contractions go up.

   "Where'd you learn all of this?" Steve asked

"Huh? Oh. I'm a certified maternity nurse." She said "I just prefer hero work."

Steve nodded.

"James, any signal yet?" She asked as she adjusted the fetal monitor

"No." Bucky sighed "Doesn't Tony keep a satellite phone here?"

Steve nodded

"In the lab and his office."

Bucky took off down the hall, Steve chuckled as he heard him slide and hit a wall. River put her head down as he cursed in Russian.

"Clumsy man." She laughed.

Emily cried out, bringing their attention back to her.

"We really need to get her to a hospital." River said "Somewhere with lights and doctors."

River kept a watchful eye on Emily, soothing her when needed as Steve stood by her side, just as scared and worried as she was. After several minutes, Bucky returned, satellite phone in hand.

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