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       Steve stood.

"I'm going on patrol." He said, leaving.

He put in an ear wig as he left. Tony put one in too.

"Just in case you need back up Cap." He said "I'm here."

Steve smiled as he walked the dark streets.

"Help!" A female voice cried out.

Steve ran to it as he heard men laughing.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said

   He noticed a man being held by both his arms.

     "Help her. Help her please." The man begged. "she's pregnant."

He nodded to the woman who was also being held. Steve's eyes darted to the woman. He felt his heart rate speed up.

  "Let them go." He ordered

"Make us." One of the thugs teased.

Steve smirked and threw his shield. It bounced of a corner wall and flew back. Hitting the man holding the woman in the head. He fell to the ground. Steve grabbed his shield.

  "Let him go."

The other man smirked and pulled his knife.

"Don't do it.  You'll go from a thug to a killer."

The thug put a knife to the man's throat.

"Tony. A little backup." He said.

"Get her out of here.  Protect her." The man requested.

"You're not gonna die."

The thug began the move the blade.

  Steve threw his shield and covered the woman's eyes. Before the shield hit the thug in the head, he'd finished killing the man.

    "No!!!" Steve screamed.

He hit his emergency button, dialing 911. The woman scream and began to sink to her knees. Steve turned and grabbed her. He ran her out to the main street and waited for the police. An ambulance pulled up along with the first officer.

"They're in the alley. There's a murder victim." He said "She needs to go to the hospital. She's pregnant."

The police thanked him and he left.


He entered the compound.

"Where's Emily?" He asked immediately.

"Why?" Bucky asked protectively

Steve looked at him.

"Because I need to speak to her." He said.

That man. His last thoughts had been about the woman he loved and his child. Steve's last words had been to Peggy. But his last thoughts, they'd been all Emily's.

   "In her room. The one next to Wanda's." Natasha said

Steve ran down the hall.

  "Emily!" He said loudly, knocking on her door.

"What?" She snapped as she opened the door.

She caught site of him. He still had his shield in his hand, which was covered in blood.

  "What. What happened?" She asked suddenly calmer.

"A mugging. He begged me save his wife first." He said "She was pregnant. So I did. When I tried to save him...i was too slow.."

"Steve." She said "Are you okay?"

He shook his head and grabbed her by the back of the neck and kissed her.

   She pulled away.

"What are you doing?"

"Peggy got my last words. You got my last thoughts, all I could think of is you. I crashed the plane because their was a bomb. If I'd have landed it...." He was breathing heavy. "you would have died. The idea of you dying like that. I would have done anything to save you."

He pulled her close. Almost against her will.

  "You were. You are my everything. I broke it off to protect you from the pain of me dying. I didn't know what I meant to you." He continued

"Steve. You're not making any sense."

   "Then let me show you." He said, he moved her inside the room and kicked the door shut.

He picked her up and pressed her against a wall, kissing her passionately. He twisted her hair around his fingers.

"This is my favorite color." He began

He kissed her again.

"Your lips. Are my favorite texture. Your laugh is my favorite song." He kissed her again, harder this time "Your perfume is my favorite smell."

She'd melted into him at this point.

   "A day without you feels like a thousand years and I've spent 70 years without you."

She kissed him this times.

"I love you I've always loved you." He said "I never stopped."

They were both getting carried away. He kissed her neck for the first time. She let out a quiet moan.

    "I've missed that." He whispered.

A knock came at the door.

"Everything okay in there?" Natasha asked

Emily groaned quietly.

  "Yeah. Everything's fine." Steve replied, sounding a bit annoyed.

He put her down and kissed her again.

"Go talk to your brother." He whispered.

Nat laughed as Emily opened the door and glared at her Emily grabbed her by the arm.

"You go 70 years without sex and see if you think it's funny then." She whispered before walking ahead of her.

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