Rogers Wedding

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   Steve stood up at the alter with Tony by his side. He wore his dress blues and had a red rose in his jacket pocket. His hands were shaking. Tony put a hand on his shoulder.

   "It's fine." He assured him "Everything is going to be fine.

   "What if something happens? What if-"

   "Then I'll blast a whole through them and give you time to escape." Tony joked.

Steve laughed a little as the guests made their way to their seats. He spotted Peggy's niece in the crowd and waved.


Clint was climbing through the vents to check on the girls when he spotted River walking from the kitchen with a bowl of something.

  "Whipped cream and m&ms?" He whispered.

He had a realization.

"Oh...not good." He laughed quietly

He crawled back to the room they were changing in and knocked on the vent.

"You girls ready?" He asked

"Get out of the vent before you ruin your suit!" Nat yelled.

Clint flipped down into the room. He smiled at River before opening the door for Bucky.

"Ready Em?" Bucky asked

She took a deep breath and nodded.

  They walked out into the back garden of the church.

Music began to play and Natasha, Wanda and River walked down the aisle. Clint had already joined Steve and Tony up at the alter. The song changed to Steve's favorite song from the 40s and Bucky began walking his sister down the aisle.

Steve's eyes began to fill with tears. When she reached the alter, she reached up and wipe his tears away. Bucky had her turn to the side and he flipped her veil back from over her face and placed her hand inside Steve's.

  "You're beautiful." Steve whispered to her.

  "Thank you." She mouthed.

The ceremony started.

   The officiant said "You may now kiss the bride." And a horrible bang came from the church.

"Sorry to interrupt such a lovely celebration." A woman with a think German accent said "But Mr Rogers. Mr. Barnes. You took something from me. Now. It's my turn."

"And what exactly did we take?" Bucky asked

"My father." She replied "You know him as Red skull.  I knew him as Papa."

"What do you want?" He asked

"Them." She said, pointing to Emily and River.

   Tony reacted quickly blasting the ground at the woman's feet. She flew backwards.

  "Get the bride and the pregnant one out of here." Clint said quickly "Stress isn't good for the baby."

"Baby!?" Steve and Bucky yelled together

  "Wait. Who's pregnant?" Emily asked

Steve breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

"I am." Natasha said

Clint's eyes widened.

    "I thought it was River!" He yelled.

"You thought what?" River snapped.

"Still a pregnant woman present and these two still need to get out of here!" Nat interrupted.

Clint place his arm protectively across Natasha's stomach and began ushering the three women away.

The woman was back on her feet. Bucky growled.

"You've interrupted my sister's wedding, put my pregnant friend in danger and threatened my girlfriend." He yelled "And now you won't stay down!'

He ran at her. Bringing his metal fist down on her. She got back up. They threw everything that had at her short of killing her and She hit the ground and tried to get back up.

"Thor! Now would be a great time for some lightning." Steve said moving in.

A bolt of lightning hit the ground and Thor, god of thunder landed where it struck.

The woman was back on her feet. Thor threw Mjolnir and it landed on her chest.

      "Stay down!" Thor yelled.

"What's her problem?" He asked

  "That's Red Skull's kid." Steve huffed "She's pissed at us."

The woman gasped, the weight of the hammer making it hard to breathe. She passed out.

  "I'll wait for shield." Thor said "Go. Be with your bride."

Steve smiled and ran out to his bike. He sped off towards the compound.


"Em!" He yelled as he burst through the doors.

She ran towards him, falling into his arms.

  "I never got that kiss." She whispered

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up and into a kiss.

    "Em, you need to change. I mean unless you want to travel in a wedding dress." Nat said.

Emily nodded, running to her old room at the compound to change.

Natasha sighed.

"That is not how I wanted to tell you." She said to Clint.

   "You're pregnant." Clint whispered "you're gonna be a mom."

She smiled

"And you're gonna be a dad." She reminded him

"I'm already a dad."

She smacked his arm.

"Will you all be okay? We don't have to go." Steve said

"Like hell you don't." Bucky said "this is even more of a reason to go. Keep your wife safe while we sort this out."

He nodded.

    "Fine but keep River safe too." He said before turning to Clint "And you keep that baby safe."

Clint smiled.

"Extend the trip if you can. Give us time to take down her network." Clint said "We'll come find you if we need you."

Steve nodded.

Emily rounded the corner wearing a blue vintage dress. Something deep inside Steve awakened at the sight of her tugging a sweater over her shoulders and smoothing the skirt of the dress.

   "Fuck." He whispered. 

Bucky grimaced and put a hand on his shoulder.

  "Could you not make it obvious you want to screw my sister every time you see her?" He asked "Please?"

  "Same could be asked of you." Tony said entering the room. "Leaving?"

Steve nodded.

"Extend the trip. Keep her safe." Tony said. "that's your mission. Be a good husband and protect your wife."

He shook Steve's hand and hugged Emily.

"Have fun."

The newly married couple left.

A/N: Should I switch focus to Bucky and River's relationship for a few chapters? Or a stay with Steve and Emily?

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