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Emily woke up alone. She stretched her hand out, reaching for where Steve should've been only to be met with empty sheets.

  "Baby?" She asked, sitting up.

He wasn't in the room. The messy room. She saw a broken snow globe on the floor across the room along with a few other things that were once on shelves.


She climbed out of bed and threw on one of Steve's shirts and a pair of shorts.

  "Steve?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen.

     "Yeah." He said, not looking up from the file he was reading.

The rest of the common area was empty. 

  "Was there an earthquake last night?" She asked "our room-"

"Not an earthquake." He said, shaking his head.

  "Then what did that."

He gripped the file as though debating showing it to her.

"Don't ask how we got this, okay?" He said before sliding the file across the counter.

Her hydra file.

"You did it." He said "Wanda was right."

A burning feeling was caught in her throat.

    "What do you mean I did it?" She asked.

He walked around the counter and stood behind her, pulling the file towards them.

   "Apparently, Hydra thought it was a good idea to give an already hyper-emotional person powers." He explained, pointing to a category in the file.

Vibrational manipulation.

"You can manipulation the vibrations in the air." He stated "Sound. Atoms."

Her eyes widened. She could manipulate atoms? Did that mean she could...split them? She knew the power of the atom bomb.


"Terrifying." He finished for her.

She pushed the file away. A name was lit up by the overhead lights. Steve's eyes widened. He heard the door open and Bucky and Tony's laughs.  He hurriedly hid the file.

"He doesn't need to know that." He thought

"Hey!" River said "You two are up early."

Steve nodded.

  "Did anyone else feel that earthquake last night?" Wanda asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Wasn't an earthquake." Steve said

"Yeah it was." Tony said "I know what an earthquake feels like."

Steve shook his head.

"FRIDAY: any seismic activity last night?" Steve asked

"No Captain Rogers."

He nodded.

"How about Super activity?" He asked

"An unidentified ability was detected inside the building last night at 21:00."

Steve smiled and cocked his head to the side.

  "Earthquake huh?"

"Lucky guess." Tony grumbled.

"Not really." He laughed "I was with the Super who did it."

"Who?" Bucky asked

Steve pointed at his wife. River laughed. She was standing in the doorway.

   "Emily has powers. Really?"

  "Vibrational manipulation." She said quietly.

   "Show us." Wanda said.

"Don't know how." She said

"Then how do you know you have it?" Tony asked.

  "I used it on accident." She said.

   "How do you accidentally use a power?" Bucky asked.

"Its an emotional ability." Wanda answered. "I assume."

  "What?" Bucky asked.

River started laughing. She knew exactly how Emily discovered her power.

  "Don't tell me you discovered this while-"

   She couldn't finish her sentence. She was laughing too hard.

   "Oh my God." Bucky groaned "Please tell me you're joking."

   Emily shook her head, attempting to not laugh with River.

   "He's gonna kill you one day." Tony warned.

Steve laughed exasperatedly.

   "We. Are. Married!" He laughed

"That's fine. Be mad at Steve." Emily said threateningly to Bucky.

"Don't do it." Bucky pled.

She smiled evilly.

"But have you told Tony yet?" She asked playfully.

"Emily! Why!" He yelled as his sister took off down the hall.

Tony rounded on Bucky.

"Told Tony what yet? James?" He asked

"Nothing. She's joking." Bucky assured him

He actually seemed scared. Steve caught on.

"Oh come on Buck." He teased "I'm sure Tony would be thrilled to be an uncle."

"Steve!" Bucky hissed.

Steve followed his wife out into the hall.

"A what?!" Tony yelled.

He looked like his head was about to explode.

Emily and Steve began dying in the hall.

   "You two are gonna give him a heart attack." River groaned

She walked into the room.

"Tony. Go take an aspirin. I'm not pregnant. Emily's just an asshole." She said, stepping between Tony and Bucky.

"I can and will kill you." Tony warned Bucky.

Bucky sighed.

"Can I kill him now?" He asked, referring to Steve.

"I think your sister might not approve of that." River laughed.

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