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Emily laid on her bed with her back to the door. She heard Steve's footsteps and pretended to sleep.

Steve leaned in the doorway.

   "Are you awake?" He asked

She ignored him. He sighed.

"Em. I know you're not asleep, you can't sleep on your side."

She continued to ignore him.  He climbed in the bed next to her.

     "I'm sorry." He whispered "I didn't mean to yell. I'm just scared."

  She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

  "I can't lose you." He said, putting an arm over her "Cause I've got all these plans and they're kinda boring without you."

   She continued to stare at the ceiling.

  "Like what." She whispered.

He smiled softly, grabbing her chin and turning her head to him.

   "Like starting a family." He said "Picking baby names."

She smiled slightly at that.

"Painting the nursery."

He pulled her close as he said it.

"But we can't do that if you're in danger." He said. "so I need you to stay here."

  "I want to be in our home." She said

   "So do I. But it's not safe enough there."

She pouted but nodded.

"Now. For the other thing."

"What other thing."

"You flinched. I went to touch you and you flinched."

She looked away.

  "You've never yelled at me before." She whimpered

He resisted the urge to laugh. She sounded so helpless and innocent when she used that voice.

    "Well allow me to remind you-" he said, turning her face back to him.

He kissed her, flipping so he was hovering over her.

   "That I will never hurt you." He continued "unless you ask me to, of course."

He snaked one of his hands up into her hair, smiling as she melted into the bed.

  "FRIDAY:turn on sound proofing." He ordered.

   "Okay, Captain Rogers." An electronic voice said.

He pushed up her silk night gown as her attacked her neck. His hand slid to one side of her neck while he worked on the other.

    "Daddy!" She gasped

He nibbled on her neck, resisting the urge to move on. She dug her nails into his back, sadly he still had his shirt on.

    "Baby." He hummed "find skin."

Her body jerked at the vibration of his voice on her neck. She tugged on his shirt, signaling for him to take it off. He gladly did so before biting her neck hard.

She arched her back as her nails dug into his now bare skin. Her red hair bunched up on the blue sheets as her head slid. She gasped, trying to curve her body towards him. He chuckled lightly and slipped her panties off. He ran his hand up her side before slipping his own pants off.

To her at least, the air seemed to shake as he entered her. She moaned loudly. There was no point in concealing it, he just saw that as a challenge.

He put his hands on the head board and thrusted. She ran her nails down his back. He gasped and waited for her to adjust. Her eyes were squeezed shut.

He waited a minute longer.

"Oh god! Steve. Move!" She said in frustration.

He began quickly thrusting into her. He slowed down for just a moment before speeding back up. He curled over her body, holding her close.

    "Oh god!" She moaned.

Her eyes were wide open now and if he'd been paying attention, Steve would have seen her light brown eyes flash yellow.  He did however start to feel like the room was shaking.

   "Emily." He whispered as he started going even faster.

She was scratching down his back repeatedly, he could feel it starting to bleed. He grabbed one of her hands and kissed it gently. Her moans were getting loud and careless. He thanked god he'd sound proofed their room.

  As they both reached the edge, he was almost 100% sure the walls were shaking but Emily didn't seem to notice. He sat upright and pulled her to his chest as he kept going.

   "Steve." She moaned, arching her body backwards. "Don't stop."

He caught sight of her temporarily yellow eyes as they rolled back in her head. He decided it was trick of the light. She gasped, moving her hands to his arms and squeezing tightly.

"Steve!" She squealed, burying her head into his neck "oh god!"

The objects on the shelves began to rumble and fall off of them. She held on to him, too lost in her own world to care about the, what appeared to be an earthquake.

  "It's a mild one." He thought as he started to come with her.

"Steve." She gasped as her body relaxed.

He smiled and held her close.

  "FRIDAY: check what level that earthquake was." He said

"No seismic activity has been detected, Captain Rogers."

He looked around the room at the fallen objects. Evidence of something strong enough to knock their stuff off the shelves.

"What?" He asked quietly. 

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